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Calendar Sharing

If you had access to someone calendar or they have access to yours then it should still be in place and you shouldn’t have to do anything.  So test it first before you redo anything.  Also, if you click on the “Calendar Permissions” c1.JPG button in your calendar it will show you who has access to your calendar and what rights they have to it.  

How do I Reserve Shared Rooms and Equipment?

Reserving Equipment

We have additional resources available for your use.  In addition to the training rooms, we have shared MiFi devices, conference rooms, and a high-quality camera that may be reserved.  

NOTE: Please reserve all items yourself so that MTAS knows who is actually using the device.  This is especially important when reserving training or conference rooms.
Here is a list with the name as it is listed in Outlook/Exchange:
MTAS_Camera – Nikon digital camera in Knoxville office

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