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Elected Officials Academy

MTAS provides training for municipal elected officials through our signature Elected Officials Academy and the Elected Officials Special Topic Series.

The Elected Officials Academy (EOA) includes two programs: Municipal Foundations and Municipal Operations.

Municipal Foundations familiarizes municipal elected officials with foundational aspects of municipal governance. Topics include foundations and structure of municipal government; charters, codes, and local legislative acts; ethics, public records, and open meetings; effective meetings; and municipal finance.

Municipal Operations provides an overview of the responsibilities and oversight of the municipal elected board related to operational functions in municipalities. Topics include human resources, public works, fire services, and police services.

The Elected Officials Special Topic Series provides quarterly, free training sessions on Zoom. New sessions are announced as they are confirmed.

Upcoming Programs

Elected Officials Academy

The Elected Officials Academy will be hosted in partnership with the Tennessee Municipal League (TML) as preconference sessions at the 2024 TML Annual Conference in Knoxville. Both programs, Municipal Foundations and Municipal Operations, will be offered.

Municipal Foundations

Friday, July 19 | 9:00-5:30 Eastern

Location: Knoxville Convention Center

Fee: $185 (invoiced to your city after the program)

Approved: 7.5 Utility Board Training

Register for Municipal Foundations!


Municipal Operations

Saturday, July 20 | 9:00-5:30 Eastern

Location: Knoxville Convention Center

Fee: $185 (invoiced to your city after the program)

Approved: 7.5 Utility Board Training

Register for Municipal Operations!


Frequently Asked Questions (PDF)

Registration deadline: July 12

Do you have questions or need registration assistance? Contact Doug Brown, (865) 974-9140.

Registered participants will receive an email with program details at least three days before the date of their registered program.

Elected Officials Special Topic Series

Join us for our next special topic training!

What Cities Should Know About Opioid Abatement Settlements

Starting in 2020, thousands of lawsuits across the country led to a series of settlements from pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors for their role in the opioid crisis. Tennessee is rather unique in how it has decided to spend these funds. This training for municipal elected officials will discuss opioid abatement settlements and the role settlement funds play for cities in Tennessee. The session will also cover applications for the opioid abatement settlement trust fund, the grant application process, and reporting requirements. 

This training is free but registration is required. Registered participants will receive an email reminder with Zoom link a few days in advance. 

Wednesday, August 7 | 5:00-6:30 p.m. Central | 6:00-7:30 p.m. Eastern

Approved: 1.5 Utility Board Training

Location: Zoom

Presenter: Jeremy Kourvelas, UT Institute for Public Service, SMART Inititative

Register online or contact Doug Brown, (865) 974-9140. 

EOA Program Contacts

Registration: Doug Brown, Training Coordinator, (865) 974-9140.

Program Lead: Johanna Owenby, Training and Development Manager, (865) 974-9858.