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SITUS Reports

Follow-up on the importance of a SITUS report from Brad Harris, Finance Consultant after discussion at a joint consultant meeting:

Many of you were in Cookeville yesterday and today, and heard Mike Tallent talk about the importance of cities checking SITUS reports. This importance cannot be understated.  For a number of reasons.  (Spoiler: go to end for link to set up getting SITUS reports online).  Businesses often are not getting “placed” in the correct SITUS code.  A SITUS code is a unique 4-digit code… unique to every city and county in TN.  

Secure Passwords

There are four characteristics that make up a strong password:

        •        At least one numeric character (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0)
        •        At least one special character (/, [, -, =, +, !, #, $, etc.),
        •        At least one lowercase character (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, etc.)
        •        At least one uppercase character (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, etc.).

Interaction with the Press

We have a good working relationship with a lot of reporters and we don’t want to hurt our reputation by spinning an answer for a city.  But we never want a city to learn about our conversation with a reporter by reading the paper.  And we are, after all, funded by cities.  We need to:

(1) Ask the reporter what city is generating the call.  Ask the reporter who he or she has talked to at the city and what they said.

Funding Available for CAP Program

Non-exempt employees who are eligible to take the test must submit a proposal to their supervisor that includes a detailed plan, timeline, and when they intend to take the test.  Currently, exam preparation classes exist in Knoxville.  For those employees not in the Knoxville area, the employee will determine if there are any applicable classes in their area and whether they can take them.  The IAAP does offer some online study classes.  This proposal should then be approved by their supervisor and the Executive Director.

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