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Model procurement code amendment for purchases through competitive sealed proposals

MTAS and the Tennessee State Comptroller are required by state law (T.C.A.12-3-1207(d)) to "develop a model procurement code that may be adopted by any municipality to guide the governing body and purchasing agent in making purchases through requests for competitive sealed proposals. The model procurement code shall contain provisions allowing an aggrieved respondent to protest the intended award to another respondent if the protest is filed within seven (7) calendar days after the intended award is announced. The protest shall be filed with and decided by the municipal governing body." This model ordinance, developed by MTAS in conjunction with the Comptroller's Office and updated in response to Public Acts of 2022, Chapter No. 779 (effective April 8, 2022), satisfies this statutory requirement.

O'Hara, Stephanie Allen
Purchasing--Municipal ordinances