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General manual for clerks of courts [electronic resource] / Tennessee Clerks of Courts.

This manual has been produced to assist all Court Clerks in the service to the citizens of Tennessee and should be considered a tool to guide a clerk. While the manual is meant to be comprehensive, it was designed to provide basic information that would enable court clerks to provide their constituents with valuable public service. Clerks are also urged to use alternative resources to supplement the data in the manual. Some information contained in this manual is not the original work of the manual committee, but in an effort to provide as much information as possible, some individual guides contain information taken from previous presentations to the Tennessee State Court Clerks membership or was found by the committee on the internet in an attempt to provide the most up to date information for clerks. However, there may be oversights or omissions. Many years ago, there was a multiple volume clerk’s manual that was distributed, but there is little information about this publication. This is the fourth major update to the more recent manual. The first publication was in 1996, again in 1998 with the last major update in 2001. A probate guide was distributed in 2012 and several subject or topical guides, with the exception of a criminal guide, were distributed in 2016. It is the desire of the manual committee to provide the most current information available to all court clerks including, but not limited to, legislative changes. Sources change and human error can occur in obtaining information, so please treat this manual as a tool to guide you in the right direction and not as the one and only resource. Also, information may be found in more than one location in this publication and hopefully, the different pieces of information do not contradict each other. Please be mindful that some legislative changes occur annually and a court clerk should make a note of those changes until a newer version of the manual is produced.
Tennessee Clerks of Courts