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Handbook for sampling and sample preservation of water and wastewater [electronic resource] / United States Environmental Protection Agency.

The attachments provided are a portion of this EPA publication. For full access visit: The four basic factors which affect the quality of environmental data are Sample Collection, Preservation, Analyses, and Data Recording. Improper action in any one of these areas will result in poor data from which poor judgements are certain. Therefore, this research program was initiated to provide guidance in the first two areas, Sample Collection and Preservation. Information obtained from the review of the literature and the results of a survey of field practices provides the basis for guidance in General Sampling Techniques, Automatic Samplers, Flow Measuring Devices, a Statistical Approach to Sampling, Preservation of Physical, Chemical, and Radiological Parameters, and Sampling Procedures for Surface Waters, Ground and Drinking Water, Municipal, Industrial, and Agriculture Waters. Finally, this handbook is not intended to supersede Sampling, Preservation, or Chain of Custody procedures specified by enforcement, compliance monitoring, or program offices, but rather to compliment their requirements.
Berg, Edward L.
"September 1982." "EPA-600/4-82-029."