Dan Rinehart Building & Codes Director, Burns |
(615) 939-1381 danmrinehart@gmail.com |
Keith Rinehart Mayor, Guys Treasurer, Guys |
(731) 239-4700 |
Megan Rinehart City Recorder, Guys |
(731) 239-4700 |
Michael Rinehart Building Official, Brentwood |
(615) 371-2204 michael.rinehart@brentwoodtn.gov |
Sherrye Rinehart Alderman, Rossville |
(901) 210-3408 Slrine776@gmail.com |
Jim Rippy Councilmember, Union City |
(731) 885-1341 jrippy@discoveryparkofamerica.com |
Wes Ritchie Director of Public Services, Bristol |
(423) 989-5685 writchie@bristoltn.org |
Kaye Ritter Alderman, Enville |
(731) 926-0723 |
J. Ritterbeck Economic Development & Community Planner, Hendersonville |
(615) 590-4645 jritterbeck@hvilletn.org |
Christina Rivas City Recorder, Eagleville |
(615) 274-2922 Ext. 2 crivas@eaglevilletn.gov |
Gilbert Rivera Wastewater Department Director, Arlington |
(901) 867-2620 |
Virginia A. Rivers Alderman, Mason |
(901) 485-6250 riversva61@gmail.com |
Billy Roach Fire Chief, Englewood |
(423) 887-7224 |
James Roach Alderman, Rutherford |
(731) 665-7166 |
Justin P. Roach Utility Manager, Lexington |
(731) 968-6657 justin.roach@lexingtontn.gov |
Richard L. Roach Fire Chief, Norris |
(865) 494-0880 publicsafety@norristn.gov |
Stacy Roach Alderman, Wartrace |
(931) 205-0618 stacy@curlconstruction.com |
Loretta Robbins City Clerk, Jamestown |
(931) 879-8815 loretta.robbins@jamestowntn.gov |
Luke Robbins Alderman, Eastview |
(731) 645-3428 |
Nick Robbins Alderman, Collierville |
(901) 457-2200 |
Kalona Roberts City Recorder, Celina City Court Clerk, Celina |
(931) 243-2115 cityofcelina@twlakes.net |
Eddie Roberson Alderman, Hendersonville |
(615) 822-1000 eroberson@hvilletn.org |
Andrew Roberto Councilmember, Knoxville |
(865) 215-2075 aroberto@knoxvilletn.gov |
Arron Roberts Fire Chief, Morrison |
(931) 635-2363 |
Bridget Roberts City Clerk, Athens |
(423) 744-2702 admin@athenstn.gov |
Carolyn Roberts Commissioner, Fairview |
(615) 582-1848 croberts@fairview-tn.org |
Crystal Roberts City Court Clerk, Lexington |
(731) 968-6666 crystal.roberts@lexingtontn.gov |
Howell Roberts Alderman, Watertown |
(615) 237-3326 hroberts3831@gmail.com |
Jason G. Roberts City Court Clerk, Newbern City Recorder, Newbern Treasurer, Newbern |
(731) 627-3221 jroberts@cityofnewbern.org |
Jennifer Roberts City Clerk, Sparta |
(931) 836-3248 j.roberts@spartatn.gov |
Linda Roberts Alderman, Altamont |
(931) 692-3971 |
Michelle Roberts Town Manager, Bluff City |
(423) 538-7144 mroberts@bluffcitytn.gov |
Tom Roberts Gas Foreman, Mount Pleasant |
(931) 379-7717 troberts@mtpleasant-tn.gov |
Vickey Roberts Vice Mayor, Paris |
(731) 641-1402 |
Beth Robertson City Recorder, Ridgely |
(731) 264-5182 clerk@cityofridgely.com |
Heath Robertson Alderman, Crump |
(731) 632-4224 |
Jimmie Lee Robertson Alderman, Whiteville Treasurer, Whiteville |
(731) 254-8523 |
Kent Robertson Water and Wastewater Superintendent, Tiptonville |
(731) 253-9922 |
Connie Robinson Alderman, Gadsden |
(731) 784-2235 |
Joseph Robinson Alderman, Gordonsville |
(615) 683-8282 joe@southernwholesalefoliage.com |
Julie Robinson City Judge, Watertown |
(615) 237-3326 |
Kevin Robinson Public Works Director, Smithville |
(615) 597-6318 krobinson@smithvillecityhall.com |
Mark Robinson Building Inspector, Newport |
(423) 623-7323 Ext. 223 buildingofficial@newporttn.org |
Richard Robinson Commissioner, Englewood |
(423) 887-7224 |
Tabitha Robinson City Court Clerk, Spencer |
(931) 946-2351 spencerclerk@benlomand.net |
Theresa Robinson City Recorder, Finger |
(731) 610-6746 theresa@mcmahanlawfirm.net |
Tiffany Robinson Alderman, Alexandria |
(615) 529-2171 |
Jill Robinson Pugh Mayor, Louisville |
(865) 681-1983 jill.pugh@louisvilletn.gov |
Jereme Robison Police Chief, Ardmore |
(931) 427-2124 |
Misty Rodgers Deputy City Recorder, White Bluff |
(615) 797-3131 misty.rodgers@townofwhitebluff.com |