Jim Morrow Alderman, Huntsville |
(423) 663-3471 |
Keri Morton Alderman, McMinnville |
(931) 473-1200 kmorton@mcminnvilletn.gov |
Ricky Morton Water Department Director, McMinnville Water Plant Manager, McMinnville |
(931) 473-1200 rmorton@mcminnvilletn.gov |
Sam Moser Vice Mayor, Sweetwater |
(423) 337-6979 jmorgan@sweetwatertn.gov |
Brooke Moses Finance Director, Etowah |
(423) 263-2202 finance@cityofetowahtn.com |
David Moses Street Superintendent, Sweetwater |
(423) 371-7295 |
Keith Moses Metro Councilmember, Lynchburg |
(931) 759-7076 |
Hal Mosier Councilmember, Union City |
(731) 885-1341 |
Chad Mosley Police Chief, Church Hill |
(423) 357-3487 Ext. 4 dchadmosley@gmail.com |
Nichole Mosley Police Chief, McMinnville |
(931) 473-3808 nmosley@mcminnvilletn.gov |
Cody Moss Mayor, Finger |
(731) 934-4677 |
Jason Moss Public Works Director, Union City Water Director, Union City Wastewater Department Director, Union City |
(731) 885-9601 ucwwdirector@unioncitytn.gov |
Mike Moss Parks and Recreation Director, Smyrna |
(615) 459-9773 mike.moss@townofsmyrna.org |
Twilla Moss City Recorder, Stanton |
(731) 548-2565 stantoncityhall@comcast.net |
Stephania Motes City Manager, Spring City |
(423) 365-6441 smotes@townofspringcitytn.org |
Evan Mott Mayor, Middleton |
(731) 376-8409 |
Kim Moultrie Alderman, McEwen |
(931) 582-6211 |
Marla Mounce Alderman, La Grange |
(901) 878-1246 |
Linda Moyers City Recorder, Cumberland Gap |
(423) 869-3860 cityhall@townofcumberlandgap.com |
Michael Moyers City Judge, Alcoa |
(865) 981-4111 |
Chad Mueller Gas Manager, Lebanon |
(615) 443-2835 chad.mueller@lebanontn.org |
Roberta "Bert" Muhn Payroll and Benefits Manager, Erwin |
(423) 743-6231 bmuhn@erwintn.org |
Michael Mulligan Police Chief, Trezevant |
(731) 669-4831 |
Craig Mullinax Water Manager, Cleveland |
(423) 478-9390 cmullinax@clevelandutilities.com |
Kevin Mullinax Alderman, Liberty |
(615) 464-8126 amandacarolrobinson@yahoo.com |
Angie Mullins City Court Clerk, Ripley |
(731) 635-5223 ripleycitycourt@cityofripleytn.com |
Ed Mullins Water & Wastewater Facilities Manager, Elizabethton |
(423) 547-6347 emullins@cityofelizabethton.org |
Michael Mullins Police Chief, Mt. Juliet |
(615) 754-2550 mmullins@mtjuliet-tn.gov |
Thomas Mullins Building Inspector, Dyersburg |
(731) 288-2541 tmullins@dyersburgtn.gov |
Will Mullins Fire Chief, Church Hill |
(423) 357-6666 firechief@churchhilltn.gov |
Kyle Muncey Councilmember, Luttrell |
(865) 992-0870 |
Anthony Munoz Code Enforcement Officer, Etowah |
(423) 263-2202 |
Jack Munsey Alderman, Rutledge |
(865) 828-4513 |
Marc Murdaugh Alderman, Medina |
(731) 783-3913 murdaughlaw@gmail.com |
Sam Murley Alderman, South Carthage |
(615) 489-9300 |
Holly Murphy Interim City Manager, Cross Plains |
(615) 654-2555 cityofcrossplains@comcast.net |
Holly Murphy City Recorder, Cross Plains |
(615) 654-2555 hmurphy@crossplainstn.gov |
Kellye Murphy Tourism and Marketing Director, Columbia |
(931) 560-1510 kmurphy@columbiatn.gov |
Reba Murphy Commissioner, Spring City |
(423) 365-6441 rebajmurphy@gmail.com |
Brent Murray Alderman, Spring Hill |
(931) 486-2252 bmurray@springhilltn.org |
Jon Murray Fire Chief, Yorkville |
(731) 643-6110 |
Jeff Murrell City Judge, Sevierville |
(865) 453-1091 |
Stephanie Murrell Mayor, White Bluff |
(615) 797-3131 stephanie.murrell@townofwhitebluff.com |
Kevin Music Street Superintendent, Crossville |
(931) 456-1830 kevin.music@crossvilletn.gov |
Jody Musselwhite Police Chief, Charleston |
(423) 244-4068 |
Cody Musser Information Technology Director, Kingsport |
(423) 229-9482 codymusser@kingsporttn.gov |
Allison Myers Town Recorder, Farragut |
(865) 966-7057 amyers@townoffarragut.org |
Charles T. Myers Fire Chief, Cowan |
(931) 703-3300 |
Jeremy Myers Police Chief, Tazewell |
(423) 626-5104 j.myers@tazewelltn.net |
John Myers Vice Mayor, Decatur |
(423) 334-5716 |