Randy Howington, Jr. Alderman, Pegram |
615-390-8440 randy@howingtonconstruction.com |
Chris Howley Engineering Planning Chief, Knoxville |
(865) 215-2148 chowley@knoxvilletn.gov |
Daryl Hubbard City Court Clerk, Jackson |
(731) 425-8661 dhubbard@jacksontn.gov |
James Hubbard Alderman, Springfield |
(615) 382-2200 James.Hubbard@springfieldtn.gov |
Jake Hubbell City Attorney, Columbia |
(931) 560-1510 |
Sam Huddleston Assistant City Manager, Murfreesboro |
(615) 849-2629 Ext. 1629 shuddleston@murfreesborotn.gov |
Jason Hudson City Judge, Trimble |
(731) 297-3955 |
Samuel F. Hudson City Attorney, Dunlap |
(423) 949-7900 sam.hudson@hudsonlawoffices.org |
Joe Huff Parks and Recreation Director, Maryville Parks and Recreation Director, Alcoa |
(865) 983-9244 |
Joe Huff Parks and Recreation Director, Maryville Parks and Recreation Director, Alcoa |
(865) 983-9244 |
Kimberly Huffines Court Clerk, Belle Meade |
(615) 298-1223 khuffines@citybellemeade.org |
Bethany Huffman Alderman, Millington |
(901) 873-5701 b.huffman@millingtontn.gov |
Charlie Huffman Councilmember, Columbia |
(931) 560-1510 charlie.huffman@columbiatn.gov |
Dave Huffman Alderman, Brighton |
(901) 476-8661 dhuffman@townofbrighton.com |
Jordan Huffman Councilmember, Nashville |
(615) 432-1314 jordan.huffman@nashville.gov |
Josh Huffstuddler Fire Chief, Jasper |
(423) 942-3825 fire@jaspertn.com |
Christy Hughes City Clerk, Rockwood |
(865) 354-0611 Ext. 813 christy.hughes@cityofrockwood.com |
Lamar Hughes Commissioner, Sweetwater |
(423) 337-6979 lhughes@sweetwatertn.gov |
Nick Hughes Police Chief, Unicoi |
(423) 735-0426 police@unicoitn.net |
Peter Hughes Senior Planner, Spring Hill |
(931) 486-2252 |
Rickie Hughes Alderman, Puryear |
(731) 247-5362 |
Scott Hughes Fire Chief, Fairview |
(615) 387-6080 shughes@fairview-tn.org |
Stephen L. Hughes City Attorney, Atwood |
(731) 686-1198 Ext. 302 |
Steve Hughes Fire Chief, Savannah |
(731) 925-8257 shughes@cityofsavannah.org |
Jennifer Hughey Alderman, Dyer |
(731) 692-3767 |
Jason Huisman City Administrator, Germantown |
(901) 757-7201 Jhuisman@germantown-tn.gov |
Meghan Hull Secretary, Loudon |
(865) 458-2033 meghan.hull@loudonutilities.org |
Todd Hull City Attorney, Baileyton Town Attorney, Unicoi |
(423) 430-8900 todd@toddhull.net |
Todd Hull City Attorney, Baileyton Town Attorney, Unicoi |
(423) 430-8900 todd@toddhull.net |
Gary Humble City Judge, Signal Mountain |
(423) 664-6907 ghumble@signalmountaintn.gov |
Jane Humble Alderman, Pikeville |
(423) 447-8681 |
Debbie Hummel Alderman, Oakland |
(901) 465-8523 dhummel@oaklandtn.gov |
Tom Humphrey Alderman, Bell Buckle |
(931) 389-9513 tom_humphrey@townofbellbuckle.com |
Zack Humphreys Police Chief, Fairview |
(615) 387-6089 zhumphreys@fairview-tn.org |
LaVonda Humphries City Recorder, Rives |
(731) 536-5689 cityofrives@gmail.com |
Isiah Hunt Alderman, Grand Junction |
(731) 764-2871 |
Jamie Hunt Alderman, Palmer |
(931) 779-3247 |
Larry Hunt Police Chief, Grand Junction |
(731) 764-2852 |
Maggie Hunt Finance Director, Lenoir City |
(865) 986-2227 mhunt@lenoircitytn.gov |
Richard Hunt Mayor, Cowan |
(931) 967-7318 |
Scott Hunt Vice Mayor, Madisonville |
(423) 519-4806 hunts1993@outlook.com |
Shannon Hunt Police Chief, Gordonsville |
(615) 683-6088 chief@townofgordonsville.com |
Tommy Hunt Councilmember, Maryville |
(865) 273-3401 thunt@maryville-tn.gov |
Annette Hunter City Recorder, Hendersonville |
(615) 822-1000 ahunter@hvilletn.org |
Charlotte Hunter City Assistant, Forest Hills City Court Clerk, Forest Hills |
(615) 372-8677 charlotte.hunter@cityofforesthills.com |
Emily Hunter Director of Planning, Franklin |
(615) 791-3212 emily.hunter@franklintn.gov |
John Hunter Mayor, Johnson City |
(423) 434-6000 mayor@johnsoncitytn.org |
Velvet Hunter Interim Director of General Services, Nashville |
(615) 862-5050 General.Services@nashville.gov |
Patrick Hurley Alderman, Tazewell |
(423) 626-5104 |
Adam Hursh Commissioner, Gilt Edge |
(901) 476-9402 |