Tammy Floyd-Wade Alderman, Milan |
(731) 571-6639 twade@cityofmilantn.com |
Jana Fluty City Recorder/Administrator, Obion |
(731) 536-6242 janafluty@townofobion.org |
Jerry Fluty Police Chief, Obion |
(731) 536-6244 jerryfluty@townofobion.org |
Roger J. Flynn City Engineer, Oak Ridge |
(865) 425-1875 |
Jason Fogle Deputy Police Chief, Spring Hill |
(931) 486-2252 Ext. 235 jfogle@springhilltn.org |
Denise Stanley Folk COO Executive Assistant, Memphis |
(901) 636-6558 |
Greg Forbes Street Dept. Supervisor, Erwin |
(423) 743-6231 |
Lola Forbess City Court Clerk, Munford |
(901) 837-0171 lforbess@munford.com |
Anthony Ford Parks and Recreation Director, Bolivar |
(731) 658-7529 aford.cityofbolivar@gmail.com |
Chris Ford Alderman, Millington |
(901) 873-5701 c.ford@millingtontn.gov |
Craig Ford Operations Manager, Jonesborough |
(423) 753-6410 craigf@jonesboroughtn.org |
Edmund Ford, Sr. Councilmember, Memphis |
(901) 636-6786 edmund.fordsr@memphistn.gov |
Jeff Ford Alderman, Alexandria |
(615) 529-2171 |
Jennipher Ford Commissioner, Maynardville |
(865) 992-3821 |
Jerry Ford Commissioner, Hartsville |
(615) 374-2461 Jerry.Ford@trousdalecountytn.gov |
Johnie Ford Street Superintendent, Ripley |
(731) 635-1621 jford@cityofripleytn.com |
Michael Ford Alderman, Ridgely |
(731) 264-5182 |
Shirley Ford Chief Financial Officer, Memphis |
(901) 636-6657 shirley.ford@memphistn.gov |
Renee Ford-Ward Alderman, Bruceton |
(731) 676-0094 |
Julie Forkner Library Director, Oak Ridge |
(865) 425-3455 |
Tim Forkum Utilities Director, Mt. Juliet |
(615) 773-7957 tforkum@mtjuliet-tn.gov |
June Forstner Mayor, Jacksboro |
(423) 562-9312 mayor@jacksboro.org |
Clayton Forsyth Commissioner, Beersheba Springs |
(931) 235-7114 sales.cmnursery@gmail.com |
James A Foshie Vice Mayor, Mosheim |
(423) 823-0492 j_foshie@hotmail.com |
James A Foshie Fire Chief, Mosheim |
(423) 823-0492 jamesfoshie@tmvfd.org |
Jason Foster Water Manager, Erwin |
(423) 743-1820 jfoster@e-u.cc |
Kim Foster City Manager, Paris |
(731) 641-1402 kfoster@cityofparistn.gov |
Mike Foster Councilmember, Winchester |
(931) 967-2532 |
Mark Foulks Fire Chief, Mt. Juliet |
(615) 773-9841 mfoulks@mtjuliet-tn.gov |
Brian Fountain Fire Department Training & Public Education Officer, Lebanon |
(615) 443-2903 Ext. 5 fountainb@lebanontn.org |
James Fountain Vice Mayor, Milan |
(731) 686-0441 jamesf@cityofmilantn.com |
Michael Foust Sewer Plant Chief Operator, Rocky Top |
(865) 426-6391 mfoust@rockytoptn.org |
Stan Foust City Clerk, LaFollette Interim City Administrator, LaFollette |
(423) 563-0719 sfoust@lafollettetn.net |
April Foust Wilson Councilmember, Rockwood |
(865) 354-0611 april.foustwilson@cityofrockwood.com |
Joseph Fowkes City Attorney, Elkton |
(931) 363-6116 |
Jim Fowler Alderman, Jasper |
(423) 942-3180 |
Norma Fowler Treasurer, Woodland Mills City Recorder, Woodland Mills |
(731) 885-8754 city@woodlandmillstn.net |
Regina Fowler City Recorder, Thompson's Station |
(615) 794-4333 rfowler@thompsons-station.com |
Todd Fowler Commissioner, Johnson City |
(423) 434-5797 tfowler@johnsoncitytn.org |
A.J. Fox Parks and Recreation Director, Manchester |
(931) 728-0273 ajfox@cityofmanchestertn.com |
John Fox Public Utilities Director, Collierville |
(901) 457-2800 jfox@colliervilletn.gov |
Mark Fox Councilmember, Crossville |
(931) 484-5113 |
Matt Fox Fire Chief, Cornersville |
(931) 293-4482 |
Robbie Fox Mayor, Sevierville |
(865) 453-5504 |
Glenn Fraley Wastewater Manager, Dayton |
(423) 775-8409 gfraley@bellsouth.net |
Larry Fraley Vice Mayor, Decherd |
(931) 967-5181 larry.fraley@decherdtn.gov |
Billy Frame Mayor, New Hope |
(423) 837-7487 |
Timothy "Tim" J. Francavilla Division I Judge, Bartlett |
(901) 385-5580 |
Michael Francis Commissioner, Clifton |
(931) 676-3370 michaelfrancis160@gmail.com |
Robin Francis Parks and Recreation Director, Union City |
(731) 885-0354 |