William D. Douglas City Attorney, Gates |
(731) 635-5113 |
William Dan Douglas City Attorney, Halls |
(731) 635-5113 |
Don Dowdey Mayor, Pleasant Hill |
(931) 277-3813 ddowdey@gmail.com |
James Dowell Street Superintendent, Covington |
(901) 476-6793 |
Randall Dowling City Manager, Athens |
(423) 744-2702 rdowling@athenstn.gov |
Chuck Downham Assistant City Manager, Nolensville |
(615) 776-3137 cdownham@nolensvilletn.gov |
John Downs Fire Chief, Cumberland City |
(931) 827-2000 cumberlandcity@msn.com |
George Doyle Vice Mayor, Ethridge |
(931) 829-2150 |
Tommy Doyle City Attorney, Linden |
(931) 589-2167 |
Bruce Drake Vice Mayor, Pleasant View |
(615) 405-1825 trdrakesons@gmail.com |
John Drake Police Chief, Nashville |
(615) 862-7301 chiefofpolice@nashville.gov |
Doug Drinnon City Attorney, Baneberry City Attorney, Bean Station Town Attorney, New Market |
(865) 397-3939 sdoug@rainwaterlaw.net |
Doug Drinnon City Attorney, Baneberry City Attorney, Bean Station Town Attorney, New Market |
(865) 397-3939 sdoug@rainwaterlaw.net |
Doug Drinnon City Attorney, Baneberry City Attorney, Bean Station Town Attorney, New Market |
(865) 397-3939 sdoug@rainwaterlaw.net |
Darry Driver City Recorder, Dowelltown |
(615) 536-5524 cityofdowelltown@gmail.com |
Thom Druffel Councilmember, Nashville |
(615) 432-1323 thom.druffel@nashville.gov |
Kelly Drummond Director of Human Resources, Knoxville |
(865) 215-3100 kdrummond@knoxvilletn.gov |
Kevin DuBose Housing and Neighborhood Development Director, Knoxville |
(865) 215-2865 kdubose@knoxvilletn.gov |
Bob Dudley Fire Chief, Greenfield |
(731) 235-2644 gfdc4@charter.net |
Misti Dueñez Human Resources Director, Nolensville |
(615) 776-6680 mduenez@nolensvilletn.gov |
James Duffy Commissioner, Calhoun |
(423) 336-2348 |
John Duggan Councilmember, Athens |
(423) 649-7337 jduggan@athenstn.gov |
Beth Duggar Commissioner, South Pittsburg |
(423) 837-5012 |
Chris Duggar Alderman, Erin |
(931) 289-4108 |
Kerry Duke Alderman, Lynnville |
(931) 215-6902 kerryduke17@yahoo.com |
Trey Duke School Superintendent, Murfreesboro |
(615) 893-2313 trey.duke@cityschools.net |
Kenneth Dunavant City Manager, Tennessee Ridge |
(931) 721-3385 kld6461@gmail.com |
Todd Dunavant Building Inspector, Henning Code Enforcement Officer, Henning |
(731) 413-5209 |
Travis Dunavant Police Chief, Scotts Hill |
(731) 549-3175 |
Mark Dunbar Police Chief, Millington |
(901) 873-5600 m.dunbar@millingtontn.gov |
William Dunbar Wastewater Manager, Baileyton |
(423) 234-0991 baileytontownhall@gmail.com |
Becky Duncan Alderman, Jamestown |
(931) 879-8815 |
Darrell Duncan Vice Mayor, Kingsport |
(423) 229-9412 darrellduncan@kingsporttn.gov |
Jennifer Duncan Vice Mayor, Goodlettsville |
(615) 851-2200 jsduncan@goodlettsville.gov |
Jerry Duncan Street Superintendent, Calhoun |
(423) 336-2348 |
Justin Duncan Network/Server Administrator, Germantown |
(901) 757-7225 jduncan@germantown-tn.gov |
Deitra Dunlap Alderman, McMinnville |
(931) 473-1200 ddunlap@mcminnvilletn.gov |
Anne Dunn Commissioner, Brentwood |
(615) 371-0060 anne.dunn@brentwoodtn.gov |
Celeste Dunn Vice Mayor, Mountain City |
(423) 291-9523 simcoxceleste@gmail.com |
David Dunn Wastewater Manager, Millington |
(901) 872-1178 d.dunn@millingtontn.gov |
Joe Dunn Chief Building Official, Pigeon Forge |
(865) 429-7312 jdunn@cityofpigeonforgetn.gov |
Nick Dunn Police Chief, Sparta |
(931) 836-3734 |
Robert Dunn Alderman, Michie |
(731) 239-3680 |
Will Dunn Municipal Judge, Dayton |
(423) 775-1818 |
Jamie Dupre City Recorder, Kingston Springs |
(615) 952-2110 Ext. 9 jdupre@kingstonsprings-tn.gov |
Catherine "Cathy" Durant Town Administrator, Arlington |
(901) 867-2620 cdurant@townofarlington.org |
Janice Durbin City Recorder, Michie |
(731) 239-3680 cityofmichie@yahoo.com |
Neel Durbin Director of Schools, Dyersburg |
(731) 286-3600 ndurbin@k12tn.net |
Nichole Dusché City Judge, Brentwood |
(615) 371-0160 |
Debra Dutcher Finance Director, Spring Hill |
(931) 486-2252 Ext. 263 ddutcher@springhilltn.org |