David Dilbeck Commissioner, Niota |
(423) 568-2584 |
Lyndal Dilday Alderman, Dresden |
(731) 364-2270 |
Lori Dillahunty Councilmember, Huntingdon |
(731) 986-2900 huntingdoncityhall@huntingdonch.com |
Gary Dilliha City Judge, Springfield |
(615) 384-7750 gdilliha@r-dlaw.net |
Mike Dillion Commissioner, Whitwell |
(423) 653-1298 dillon304233@gmail.com |
Debbie Dillon Purchasing Director, Johnson City |
(423) 975-2717 ddillion@johnsoncitytn.org |
Winton Dillon Alderman, Celina |
(931) 243-2115 |
Larry R. DiOrio Codes Director, Goodlettsville |
(615) 851-2208 ldiorio@goodlettsville.gov |
Ella D. Dishman Office Manager, Monterey |
(931) 839-3770 elladishman@montereycityhall.com |
Corey Divel Director of Planning, Sevierville |
(865) 453-5504 |
Dwayne Dixon Mayor, Gates |
(731) 836-7501 townofgates@gowisper.net |
Karen Dixon Alderman, Hendersonville |
(615) 822-1000 kdixon@hvilletn.org |
Tim Dixon Vice Mayor, Loudon |
(865) 458-2033 tim.dixon@cityofloudontn.org |
Matt Doak Fire Chief, Shelbyville |
(931) 684-6241 Matt.doak@shelbyvilletnfire.org |
Kimberly Dobbs City Recorder, Church Hill City Court Clerk, Church Hill |
(423) 357-3487 Ext. 2 cityrecorder@churchhilltn.gov |
Bob Leeman Planning Director, Brentwood |
(615) 371-2204 bob.leeman@brentwoodtn.gov |
Jayson Dobson Alderman, Big Sandy |
(731) 593-3213 |
Tim Dockery Parks and Recreation Director, Newport |
(423) 623-7304 tdoc@newporttn.org |
Johnny Lee Dodd Councilmember, Jackson |
(731) 425-8253 jdodd@jacksontn.gov |
Ryan Dodd Alderman, Liberty |
(615) 684-2875 |
Brenda Dodson City Recorder, Spring City |
(423) 365-6441 bdodson@townofspringcitytn.org |
Jerry Dodson Mayor, Winfield |
(423) 569-6139 |
Jim Dodson Mayor Pro Tem, Oak Ridge |
(865) 425-3410 jdodson@oakridgetn.gov |
Kellie Dodson Town Clerk, Pleasant Hill |
(931) 277-3813 townpleasanthill@gmail.com |
Ken Dodson Alderman, Livingston |
(931) 823-1269 |
Lisa Dodson Town Clerk, Gainesboro |
(931) 268-9315 |
Derrick Doehler Alderman, Greenback |
(865) 333-9168 www.derrickdoehler@gmail.com |
Alicia Donahue Court Clerk, Red Bank |
(423) 874-0055 adonahue@redbanktn.gov |
Richard Donnell Councilmember, Jackson |
(731) 425-8253 richarddonnell@jacksontn.gov |
Mendi Donnelly Community Development Director, Somerville |
(901) 465-7301 mdonnelly@somervilletn.gov |
Steven Donnolly Chief Building Official, Elizabethton |
(423) 547-6234 sdonnolly@cityofelizabethton.org |
Curtis Doran Alderman, Dresden |
(731) 364-2270 |
Billy Ray Dorris Alderman, Greenbrier |
(615) 643-4531 cityofgreenbrier@greenbriertn.org |
Jody Dorris City Attorney, Adams |
(615) 384-8861 |
Susan Dorsey Library Director, Lenoir City |
(865) 986-2715 |
Bobby J. Doss Councilmember, Dayton |
(423) 775-1817 |
Gary "Andy" Dossett Police Chief, Jefferson City |
(865) 475-2002 |
Raquetta Dotley Councilmember, Chattanooga Chair, Chattanooga |
(423) 643-7180 rdotley@chattanooga.gov |
Chad Dotson Wastewater Manager, Centerville |
(931) 729-4246 |
Tammy Dotson Treasurer, Dickson |
(615) 441-9508 tdotson@cityofdickson.com |
Cal Doty Mayor, Greeneville |
(423) 787-6380 |
Kristen L. Doty Town Court Clerk, Atoka |
(901) 837-5302 |
Carstella Douglas Alderman, Henning |
(731) 460-9321 |
David Douglas City Judge, Moscow |
(901) 877-3584 |
David L. Douglas City Judge, Munford City Judge, Atoka |
(901) 465-3117 |
David L. Douglas City Judge, Munford City Judge, Atoka |
(901) 465-3117 |
Eddie Douglas Alderman, Bean Station |
(865) 993-3177 |
Jim Douglas Councilmember, Union City |
(731) 885-1341 jimmyd-utm@yahoo.com |
John Douglas Alderman, Cumberland Gap |
(423) 869-3860 |
Reynold Douglas General Services Director, Germantown |
(901) 757-7235 rdouglas@germantown-tn.gov |