Michael Clark Community and Economic Development Director, Collierville |
(901) 457-2300 mclark@colliervilletn.gov |
Richard Clark Public Information Officer, Lebanon |
(615) 444-2323 Richard.Clark@lebanontn.org |
Tim Clark Public Works Director, Kingston |
(865) 376-2114 Ext. 1071 Tim.Clark@kingstontn.gov |
Tim Clark Police Chief, Rutherford |
(731) 665-7166 |
Wanda Clark Alderman, Palmer |
(931) 779-3247 |
Jamie Clary Mayor, Hendersonville |
(615) 822-1000 jclary@hvilletn.org |
Chris Clausi Human Resources Director, Spring Hill |
(931) 486-2252 Ext. 265 cclausi@springhilltn.org |
Lisa Clayton Parks Director, Franklin |
(615) 791-3217 lisac@franklintn.gov |
Neal Clayton Commissioner, Belle Meade |
(615) 297-6041 nclayton@citybellemeade.org |
Sonya Clayton City Recorder, Henry |
(731) 241-0163 recorder@cityofhenry.com |
Lonnie Cleek City Manager, Whitwell |
(423) 658-5151 lonnie@cityofwhitwell1956.org |
Vanessa Cleek Alderman, Palmer |
(931) 779-3247 |
John Clement Mayor, Big Sandy |
(731) 593-3213 mayortownofbigsandy@gmail.com |
John Cleveland City Attorney, Sweetwater |
(423) 337-2111 cityattorney@sweetwatertn.gov |
Mark Cleveland Fire Chief, Medina |
(731) 783-1800 mcleveland@cityofmedinatn.org |
Rhea Clift Municipal Judge, Germantown |
(901) 757-7254 |
Steve Clift Electric Manager, Dayton |
(423) 775-1818 sclift@daytontn.net |
Hannah Clifton Office Administrator, Middleton CMFO, Middleton |
(731) 376-8409 h.clifton@middletontn.com |
Luv Clifton City Court Clerk, Loudon |
(865) 408-0408 lclifton@loudonpd.org |
Robert "Joe" Cline Town Manager, Englewood |
(423) 887-7224 townmanager@townofenglewood.com |
John Clough Alderman, Livingston |
(931) 823-1269 |
Carolyn Clouse Accountant, Unicoi Town Clerk, Unicoi |
(423) 743-7162 accounting@unicoitn.net |
David Clouse Chief Building Official, Cookeville |
(931) 520-5207 dclouse@cookeville-tn.gov |
Kim Clouse Chief Court Clerk, Jonesborough |
(423) 753-1030 kim@jonesboroughtn.org |
Nathan Clouse Finance Director, Crossville |
(931) 456-5991 nathan.clouse@crossvilletn.gov |
Robert Clowers Street Superintendent, Niota |
(423) 568-2584 |
Evan Clyburn Emergency Management Director, Johnson City |
(423) 434-6082 eclyburn@washingtoncountytn.org |
Henry Coats Mayor, Piperton |
(901) 853-4830 hcoats@pipertontn.gov |
Carlton Cobb Director of Public Works, Portland |
(615) 325-6776 Ext. 500 ccobb@cityofportlandtn.gov |
Lewis Cobb City Attorney, Jackson |
(731) 424-0461 lewiscobb@spraginslaw.com |
Preston T. Cobb Finance Director, Elizabethton City Clerk, Elizabethton |
(423) 547-6231 pcobb@cityofelizabethton.org |
Ralph Cobb Alderman, Dresden |
(731) 364-2270 ralph.cobb@tn.gov |
Franklin Cobos Councilmember, Pleasant Hill |
(931) 277-3813 fvcobos@gmail.com |
Chris Cochran Vice Mayor, Englewood |
(423) 887-7224 |
Pamela Cochran City Recorder, Burlison |
(901) 475-9068 townofburlison@att.net |
Chester Cocke Mayor, Braden |
(901) 594-5100 |
William Cockett City Judge, Mountain City |
Rosanna Coffelt Alderman, Palmer |
(931) 779-3247 |
Kevin Coffield Alderman, Petersburg |
(931) 659-9826 |
Michael Coldwell Commissioner, Kingston Springs |
(615) 952-2110 mcoldwell@kingstonsprings-tn.gov |
Charles Cole Alderman, Portland |
(615) 325-6776 charles.cole@cityofportlandtn.gov |
Charlie Cole Fire Chief, Gatlinburg |
(865) 436-5112 |
Chris Cole Police Chief, Clarksburg |
(731) 986-5547 |
Chris Cole Alderman, Bruceton |
(731) 418-0059 |
Dwayne Cole Mayor, Munford |
(901) 837-0171 dcole@munford.com |
H.G. Cole Councilmember, Smyrna |
(615) 267-5005 hg.cole@townofsmyrna.org |
Jason Cole Mayor, La Vergne |
(615) 793-6295 jcole@lavergnetn.gov |
Willie Cole Alderman, Dyersburg |
(731) 286-7604 |
Jim Coleman Mayor, Soddy-Daisy |
(423) 332-5323 jim.coleman@soddy-daisy.org |
Stephanie D. Coleman City Attorney, Alcoa |
(865) 521-3017 scoleman@owclaw.com |