Terry Wimberley Utilities Manager, Paris |
(731) 642-5691 |
David Windrow Fire Chief, Nolensville |
(615) 776-3633 dwindrow@nolensvilletn.gov |
Kristi Windsor Alderman, Vonore |
(423) 884-6211 |
Linda Winegar Finance Director, Rogersville |
(423) 272-7497 lindaw@rogersvilletn.gov |
Jamie D. Winkler City Attorney, Gordonsville |
(615) 735-1684 |
Brittany Winningham City Clerk/Recorder, Jamestown |
(931) 879-8815 brittany.winningham@jamestowntn.gov |
Joey Winstead Parks and Recreation Director, Dresden |
(731) 364-2270 |
Mike Winstead School Superintendent, Maryville |
(865) 982-7121 mike.winstead@maryville-schools.org |
Cody Wise Vice Mayor, Gruetli-Laager |
(931) 779-5147 |
Joe Wise Commissioner, Johnson City |
(423) 483-9164 jwise@johnsoncitytn.org |
Lana Wiseman Alderman, Troy |
(731) 536-4745 |
Mike Wissman Mayor, Arlington |
(901) 867-2620 mwissman@townofarlington.org |
Will Witcher Director of Utility Services, Bristol |
(423) 989-5566 wwitcher@bristoltn.org |
J.B. Witherington, IV City Judge, Covington |
(901) 475-2700 |
Rachel Witherington City Attorney, Covington |
(901) 476-6066 rachel@owtnlaw.com |
Rickie Withers Alderman, Saltillo |
(731) 325-7002 saltillo.gov@cityofsaltillo.org |
Tom Witherspoon Water/Sewer Services Director, Johnson City Wastewater Manager, Johnson City |
(423) 434-6062 twitherspoon@johnsoncitytn.org |
Andrea "Aundie" Witt Councilmember, East Ridge |
(423) 867-7711 awitt@eastridgetn.gov |
Chad Witt Solid Waste Manager, Pulaski Street Superintendent, Pulaski |
(931) 363-3234 |
Velma Witte Executive Assistant to City Manager, Bristol |
(423) 989-5503 vwitte@bristoltn.org |
Marc Woerner Town Administrator, Atoka |
(901) 837-5300 |
Randy Wolf Alderman, Newbern |
(731) 627-3221 rwolf@cityofnewbern.org |
Thomas S Wolf City Engineer, Jackson |
(731) 425-8201 twolf@jacksontn.gov |
Kelly Wolfe Alderman, Jonesborough |
(423) 753-1030 kelly@wolfe-development.com |
Wayne Richard Wolfe Fire Chief, Garland |
(901) 687-8288 1waynewolfe@gmail.com |
Jim Wolfgram Alderman, Monterey |
(931) 839-3770 |
Lowell Womack Police Chief, Woodbury |
(615) 563-5949 |
William Womack Councilmember, Winchester |
(931) 967-2532 |
Aubrey "Trey" Wood III Alderman, Ridgely |
(731) 264-5182 |
Brad Wood, Jr. City Attorney, Monterey |
(931) 526-3366 brad@cggattorneys.com |
Cody C. Wood City Recorder, Lexington Chief Financial Officer, Lexington |
(731) 968-6657 cody.wood@lexingtontn.gov |
David Wood Commissioner, Tennessee Ridge |
(931) 721-3385 |
Emily Wood Assistant City Administrator, Morristown |
(423) 581-0100 |
John M. Wood Mayor, Bethel Springs |
(731) 934-7266 |
Micah Wood Town Planner, Thompson's Station Interim Town Administrator, Thompson's Station |
(615) 794-4333 Ext. 3 mwood@thompsons-station.com |
Ricky L Wood City Attorney, Parsons |
(731) 847-6713 woodlaw@woodlawtn.com |
Sandra Wood Vice Mayor, Lexington |
(731) 968-6657 |
Terry Wood City Attorney, Crump City Attorney, Guys City Attorney, Michie |
(731) 632-4266 terrywood@tlwatty.com |
Terry Wood City Attorney, Crump City Attorney, Guys City Attorney, Michie |
(731) 632-4266 terrywood@tlwatty.com |
Terry Wood City Attorney, Crump City Attorney, Guys City Attorney, Michie |
(731) 632-4266 terrywood@tlwatty.com |
Brian Woodall Alderman, Portland |
(615) 325-6776 brianwoodall@cityofportlandtn.gov |
Jeff Wooden Alderman, Rossville |
(901) 853-4681 |
Tracy C. Wooden City Attorney, New Hope City Attorney, Powells Crossroads |
(423) 756-9972 |
Tracy C. Wooden City Attorney, New Hope City Attorney, Powells Crossroads |
(423) 756-9972 |
Deborah Woodlee City Recorder, Gruetli-Laager |
(931) 779-5147 glcityhall@yahoo.com |
Dareck Woods Code Enforcement Officer, Elizabethton |
(423) 547-7407 dwoods@cityofelizabethton.org |
Jeanette Woods City Court Clerk, South Carthage |
(615) 735-2727 clerk@southcarthagecityhall.com |
Rick Woods Leisure Services Director, Cookeville |
(931) 520-4386 rwoods@cookeville-tn.gov |
Ron Woods City Attorney, Greeneville |
(423) 639-6811 |
Tommie Woods Councilmember, Bolivar |
(731) 658-2020 |