Jim Bingham Mayor, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-6835 jbingham@tnweb.com |
Jessica Blackwell City Court Clerk, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-4050 jessica.blackwell@lewisburgtn.gov |
Scott Braden Police Chief, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-4044 |
Tommy G. Burns Councilmember, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-6991 ecdev@bellsouth.net |
Trigg Cathey Water Manager, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-6831 |
Shannon Crutcher Councilmember, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 shannonscarwash@icloud.com |
Branden Davidson Director of Public Works, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-6383 branden.davidson@lewisburgtn.gov |
Barbara Gillespie Medley City Judge, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-7555 bmedley@bellsouth.net |
Karen Greer Deputy Court Clerk, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-4050 karen.greer@lewisburgtn.gov |
Roy "Bam" Haislip City Manager, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 bam.haislip@lewisburgtn.gov |
Drew Hawkins Fire Chief, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-4544 drew.hawkins@lewisburgtn.gov |
Thomas M. Hutto City Attorney, Lewisburg |
(931) 399-0100 Thomas.hutto@lewisburgtn.gov |
Georgina Jones City Recorder, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 gina.jones@lewisburgtn.gov |
Stacy Martin Stormwater Coordinator/Manager, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 stacy.martin@lewisburgtn.gov |
Vickie Michael Councilmember, Lewisburg |
(931) 993-9737 vickiem@hughes.net |
Allan Owens Treasurer, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 allan.owens@lewisburgtn.gov |
Jennifer Pearson Director of Economic Development, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-1544 |
David Perka Councilmember, Lewisburg |
(931) 371-2233 davidperka887@gmail.com |
Chris Rush Director Planning and Codes, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-4013 Ext. 701 chris.rush@lewisburgtn.gov |
Linda Thomas Councilmember, Lewisburg |
(931) 675-0743 lthomas2002@comcast.net |
Cary Whitesell Parks and Recreation Director, Lewisburg |
(931) 359-2482 |