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State-Shared Taxes and Appropriations for the Coming Fiscal Year

Reference Number: MTAS-545
Reviewed Date: 01/22/2025

The Tennessee Department of Revenue makes payments of state-shared revenues to all Tennessee municipalities based on population. MTAS tracks the monthly revenues reported by the Department of Revenue and uses those along with estimates to forecast what cities may expect to receive in the coming fiscal year.

The estimates shown below include actual numbers for FY 2023-24, as well as an estimate for the 2024-25 fiscal year using city and state provided numbers. The reader should use sound judgement and caution when budgeting for 2025-26. We will continue to monitor state collections and update this publication regularly.

The first column in the chart below shows an updated estimate for the 2023-24 fiscal year ($175.81). The second column estimates 2024-25 ($177.82). Through December state sales tax has increased about five percent and gas and motor fuel taxes have increased 0.42 percent compared to the same time last year. This can to be used as a tool in estimating projected revenue for the 2025-26 fiscal year. It is but one tool, and a multi-year trend analysis should also be prepared to assist in determining the appropriate estimates going forward.


Estimate 2023 - 2024

Estimate 2024 - 2025

Estimate 2025 - 2026

General Fund 

Per Capita Amount

Per Capita Amount

Per Capita Amount

State Sales Tax $124.24$124.60$125.00
State Beer Tax 0.440.440.44
Special Petroleum Products Tax
(City Streets and Transportation Revenue)
Gross Receipts Tax
(TVA in lieu of taxes)
Sports Betting (Gaming) 1.861.801.85
Transportation Modernization 0.420.450.47
Total General Fund Revenue $141.05$141.82$142.28
State Street Aid Funds    
Gasoline and Motor Fuel Taxes 34.7636.0036.20
Total Per Capita (General and State Street Aid Funds) $175.81$177.82$178.48