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Reimbursement Rates for Travel

Reference Number: MTAS-1109
Reviewed Date: 03/21/2025

Federal Rates Effective October 1, 2024

The following federal rates may also be found at

Tennessee cities that elect to reimburse for official travel using the federal reimbursement rates should note that the federal government has changed per diem reimbursement rates effective October 1, 2024. Cities may wish to update their travel policies to reflect this change. The new rates are effective until September 30, 2025.

The FY 2024-25 standard CONUS (continental United States) rate for lodging increases at $110. The M&IE (meals and incidental expenses) rate is 68.

While the standard CONUS lodging rate is $110, the federal rate also changed for select cities in Tennessee. The table below lists those changes. Nashville again topped the list at $248 (it varies by month for Nashville - 2 different rates in all); with Brentwood/Franklin at $130, Memphis at $129, Chattanooga at $117 and Knoxville at $119 in lodging expense. M&IE rates for the first and last days of travel are calculated at 75 percent of the authorized daily rates.

City or LocationCounty
M & IE
MIE First/
Last Day at 75%
Brentwood / FranklinWilliamson$ 130
$ 86
$ 64.50
$ 117
$ 74
$ 55.50
$ 119
$ 74
$ 55.50
$ 129
$ 74
$ 55.50
$ 248
$ 86
$ 64.50
All other Tennessee
$ 110
$ 68
$ 51.00

Meals and incidental expenses are broken down as shown in the following table for locations in Tennessee.

$ 68
$ 74
$ 86
Breakfast$ 16$ 18$ 22 
Lunch$ 19$ 20$ 23 
Dinner$ 28$ 31$ 36 
Incidentals$ 5$ 5$ 5 

These federal per diem rates apply to all locations within or entirely surrounded by the corporate limits of the key city as well as the boundaries of the county, including other municipalities within the county. Additionally, the federal standard mileage rate for reimbursements currently is 70 cents per mile beginning January 1, 2025.

Federal reimbursement rates for out-of-state travel vary from state to state. A complete listing of federal per diem rates for FY 2024-25 can be found at U.S. General Services Administration (

State of Tennessee Rates Effective January, 2025
The table below lists lodging rates for Tennessee cities for use by cities that elect to use the state of Tennessee reimbursement rates. The Tennessee reimbursement policy states that employees should use the U.S. General Services Administration CONUS rates provided by the federal government. The state travel policy, revised September 2018, and effective until modified or withdrawn, can be found in the Tennessee Comprehensive Travel Regulations. The state of Tennessee general reimbursement rate for standard mileage effective January 2025 is at the IRS published standard business mileage rate of 70 cents per mile beginning January 1, 2025.

In-state Travel Lodging Reimbursement Rates
In-state lodging and meal rates follow the CONUS rates for Tennessee. The standard in-state lodging rate of $110 and $68 for meals should be used for all in-state locations not listed below.

County (City)Maximum LodgingMaximum Meals & Incidentals
Davidson (Nashville)$ 248$ 86
Shelby (Memphis)$ 129$ 74
Williamson (Brentwood/Franklin)$ 130$ 86
Hamilton (Chattanooga)$ 117$ 74
Knox (Knoxville)$ 119$ 74
All locations not listed above$ 110$ 68

Finance Office Review
Please review your city’s travel policy to determine the applicable reimbursement rates for lodging and M&IE. If your city’s travel policy makes reimbursements based on the state or federal rate, the changes noted above may take effect without any action by your city board. If, however, your city’s policy establishes specific reimbursement rates for lodging and meals, you may need to amend the travel policy to reflect the above changes in regard to other travel expenses.