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COBRA Qualifying Event Notices

Reference Number: MTAS-1540
Reviewed Date: 10/21/2022

Employer and Plan Administrator Qualifying Event Notice
Must be sent from employer to plan administrator within 30 days after the qualifying event and must contain information about the plan, covered employee, and qualifying event, including type and date of event. Employers have 30 days following the date of the QE to notify plan administrators. Plan administrators have 14 days to then notify the QBs, and if the employer is also the plan administrator the notice must be provided within 44 days of the QE.


Employee Qualifying Event Notices
Employees and QBs must notify plan administrators of qualifying events. In order for employees and QBs to understand their responsibility employers must ensure that employees and QBs are notified of the “reasonable procedures” for QBs to follow when furnishing the notice(s). It is advisable for employers and plan administrators to include these notice requirements in the summary plan description and general notice (if sent separately). It also is advisable to remind employees frequently of their responsibilities (i.e., notifying plan administrator when there is an address change or QE). Employees and QBs must notify the plan administrator within 60 days of the qualifying event.