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MTAS uses a mass mailing system to distribute bulk information to customers, most often from the training team.  Customers have the ability to opt-out of these mailings, and by doing so, will no longer receive any emails from the Emma system.  MTAS has a limited number licenses for Emma, therefore, this service is available for your use by coordinating with the training team or a librarian.  Technical questions, including the addition of new contacts, should be directed to Lisa Shipley.

Emma mailings shall be limited to one per day to ensure customers review each individual e-mail.

Mailings for an association require approval from the MTAS Executive Director.


Emma Contacts

  1. New Emma records may be added individually or uploaded as a group via a CSV file
  2. Emma will not allow the same email address to be loaded more than once
    1. Existing records may be modified to add additional groups as needed
    2. Generic email addresses should not contain an individual’s name and should be assigned to all applicable groups plus the “Multi-User” group
  3. An email address that bounces three times (regardless of reason or time span) will be marked as an error record and must be changed to active to receive future messages
  4. An email address that has opted out of Emma mailings must request reactivation via email
  5. All records for a TN municipal official should be a member of:
    1. A MTAS management consultant territory
    2. One or more GML government roles
    3. MTAS newsletter group
    4. One or more training location radius groups (if applicable)
  6. Non-TN municipal officials may be a member of:
    1. One or more training location radius groups
    2. The newsletter requested group
    3. The classes information requested group
  7. TN municipal officials are deleted from Emma when we are notified they have left office
  8. Any non-TN municipal official record which has not opened an Emma email in more than 240 days is evaluated for deletion
Date Added
Jan 18, 2017
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