Sleep time deduction for firefighters
MTAS was asked whether the sleep time deduction for firemen requires five consecutive hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Fire--Personnel Personnel--Compensation |
MTAS was asked whether the sleep time deduction for firemen requires five consecutive hours of uninterrupted sleep.
Fire--Personnel Personnel--Compensation |
Recommendation that Estill Springs connect with a neighboring town's sewer system.
Estill Springs sewer.pdf
(4.01 KB)
Sewers Utilities--Administration Utilities--Contracts and agreements |
MTAS was asked to review the city junk and abandoned vehicle ordinance and explain the conflict with Tennessee law, the need for a court order before entering private property to remove cars, and the due process issue.
Abandoned property--Vehicles Code enforcement |
MTAS was asked whether the city's purchase of automotive repairs is a professional service exempt from competitive bidding required by the Municipal Purchasing Law and the city's competitive bidding policies.
Purchasing Purchasing--Bids proposals and specifications Purchasing--Professional services |
MTAS was asked to write a lease agreement to avoid potential liability problems with a municipal swimming pool.
Governmental tort liability Liability Parks and recreation--Facilities--Swimming pools Forms--Municipal |
MTAS was asked whether the provisions of T.C.A. apply to the execution of conservation easements on city-owned property.
Easements Parks and recreation--Laws and regulations |
MTAS was asked whether the mayor's power to veto ordinances and resolutions give him the power to veto appointments made by the city council to fill vacancies in the city council.
Veto Powers of Mayor public.docx
(26.56 KB)
Elections--Terms of office Mayor Mayor--Aldermanic government |
Job description for the position of Labor Relations Manager/EEO Officer.
Labor Relations Manager-EEO Officer.pdf
(16.11 KB)
Personnel--Labor relations Personnel--Classification Personnel--Equal opportunity |
MTAS was asked for examination questions for those applying for an accounts payable clerk position.
Personnel--Selection and recruitment--Tests |
A resolution requiring the retirement of police officers who are members of TCRS and have reached the age of 62.
Police--Personnel Personnel--Retirement--Laws and regulations Police--Municipal resolutions |