MTAS Services
MTAS was created in 1949 to provide technical assistance to municipal governments within the state of Tennessee.
Finance and Accounting
Finance and accounting consultants help city officials effectively use and manage available fiscal resources and develop new revenue sources. They assist with accounting, purchasing, budgeting, debt service, and other finance-related issues.
Human Resources
Human resource consultants help develop job descriptions, employee performance evaluations, and personnel rules and regulations using MTAS-generated models.
Services offered by MTAS attorneys include providing legal advice, writing legal opinions, preparing and revising city charters, and drafting ordinances and resolutions. Legal consultants may not provide legal advice to private citizens.
Municipal Management
Municipal management consultants are usually a city's first contact with MTAS. These professionals work one-on-one with city officials to solve problems and answer questions. They help with risk management, financial planning, annexation, community goal setting, municipal organization, and municipal utilities.
Public Safety
Public safety management consultants are trained and experienced in various aspects of law enforcement and fire protection. Whether the question is where to build a fire station, how many public safety officers are needed per shift, or how to develop a police training manual, MTAS's police and fire management consultants provide guidance.
Public Utilities
Utility consultants provide assistance with utility rate studies in water, wastewater and natural gas, water and wastewater plant operations and optimization, regulatory assistance, sludge disposal, unaccounted for water reduction, inflow and infiltration reduction, industrial pretreatment permitting, and utility management.
Public Works
Public works consultants provide guidance on storm water, street and pavement management, solid waste and recycling, equipment specifications and fleet management. They assist with bid packages, departmental reviews, and provide training on technical topics.