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Greetings MTAS,

Notice anything different? Yes, I can’t get anything past you – the Mustard header has changed to reflect the new IPS branding and has received an update. The colors are all official, and it includes the new logo in the stacked wordmark. A big thanks goes to Shannon Davis with IPS who updated our previous header, created by Hannah Holder in 2017. For those of you who ask: What does IPS do for us…? this is just one example. I really appreciate these ladies’ creativity and ability to take a vision of mine and make it reality.

Okay, it’s been two weeks since the last Mustard. In that time, we had an IPS conference. I want to give a huge shout out to all who nominated their peers (there would be no award winners without nomination writers), and to again recognize our award winners: Five Franklins went to Bethany and Steve C.; and the Hutchison Award went to Ralph. The Faculty Excellence award (to Larry Moore) also had a MTAS connection. Additionally, Hadley O’Hara was a Mary & Jack Jinks scholarship awardee. On top of that, we had service awards going to Pat (30 years), Warren and Ralph (20 years) and Doug and Michelle B. (10 years). MTAS was well represented at the award podium and I couldn’t have been prouder!

Next up, MTAS is having its own retreat in two weeks. If you haven’t yet submitted a nomination for the MTAS awards, please get those in to Wes today. I expect the committee will have some hard decisions to make!

There were a few birthdays over the last two weeks that I’d like to celebrate. Please join me in congratulating James Gallup (public management fellow in Athens, 8/16), Angie Carrier (8/18) and Johanna Owenby (8/24) on successfully completing another trip around the sun. I hope the year in front of you brings you many joys.

I’m not done celebrating just yet – Bethany got engaged earlier this month on the 6th and she agreed to share a photo from the proposal day with all of us. The photo was taken at the Foothills Parkway. Congratulations and best wishes to Bethany and Nick!


For announcements, please don’t forget that there will be a MRLn training seminar on September 23 at 10:00. If you haven’t already attended one of the webinars, please make plans to catch this one. More information will be coming, but for now, please save the date to learn about the improvements to the system that manages the library collection. Another announcement/reminder is that we now have access to LinkedIn learning seminars. This is what was in the August 16 Tennessee Today newsletter:

LinkedIn Learning Is Now Available
Sign in at to set up your account, unlock access to more than 10,000 videos, and create learning paths for your classes. Visit OIT’s website for more information.

There are definitely great benefits to working for UT and this is just one of them.

Okay, that’s it for this week. I hope you have a splendid holiday weekend for Labor Day!

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