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It’s a new year MTAS. What great things are you going to do with it? One of my mottos is: Life is too short not to enjoy it. You have a fresh, clean slate in front of you. If last year didn’t make you happy, then I challenge you to do something about it this year. I’m not saying that life has to be all grins and giggles, but I do hope you experience joy and peace this year. If there is anything I can do to help you get there, please let me know.

Over the last two weeks we had some birthdays and anniversaries. Please join me in wishing a happy birthday to Dana who celebrated on the ninth. Also, we had three work anniversaries on the first. They were: Dana, Stephanie and Angie who just hit her one year mark. Abb also had a work anniversary on the fourth. Congratulations to all of you for another year!

If you haven’t yet had a chance to welcome David Moore to the MTAS family, please take a few minutes to introduce yourself. David started with us on the second; and he is working as a police management consultant out of the Jackson office. Welcome to MTAS David, we’re glad you’re with us!

Other happenings over the last two weeks included our APR meeting on the 8th. I have a recording of the meeting; so if you need to see it, please let your supervisor know. The main reasons for the changes to the annual review documentation are to make the forms the same for everyone (no longer a separate form for exempt and non-exempt); to make it easier for you to use; to give you more of an opportunity to describe your work results outside of a few statistics; and to more align the MTAS process to what the University ultimately requires with the PRS form. I know you’ll let the leadership team know your thoughts on it; so I thank you in advance for that feedback (feedback is a gift).

The General Assembly also convened last week on the 8th. The governor’s inauguration is Saturday, January 19th. With many new members, it will be interesting to watch what and how they do their work.

I leave you with a philosophy from a former mayor of New Tazewell. Whenever he would call, I would ask “How are you doing?” He would respond every time with: “I’m above ground; it’s a good day.” May you also go forth each day believing that it’s a good day because you are in it – I believe it’s a good day because you are in it.

Most sincerely,

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