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Happy Conference week MTAS! I tried to get this out to you on Monday, but I apologize for my inability to multitask that much/that well; and I hope you’ll grant me a little leeway for the delay.

This was a tremendous week in Memphis. I really enjoyed seeing everyone and learning so many new things. I’ll share with you some of my takeaways in the next Mustard.

So, what happened last week? First off, Richard Stokes had a birthday on the 6th. Richard, I hope you had a great one and have terrific plans for the year ahead of you!

Also last week was a meeting of the IPS leadership team. We talked about the strategy teams and their progress/achievements/successes; the roll out of the new branding campaign and its implementation; development (fundraising) strategies; the potential, through the VA, to get scholarships for our training programs for veterans; upcoming training opportunities; key performance indicators; the biennial customer satisfaction survey; and the upcoming annual cyber security training.

That about wraps up my update. I hope you had no issues as you traveled back from the Sheraton in Memphis.

Until next week,

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