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Good Thursday afternoon MTAS,
Well, we are one day away from a three day weekend. I hope that you have a fun and safe Labor Day holiday. If you’re interested in the history of the holiday, you can go to this link to learn more: If you read this article, you’ll learn that the holiday started with city ordinances. Way to go cities!
Before you gather around the barbeque with family and friends over the long weekend, please remember that we are in a pandemic and take the steps necessary to protect yourself, your loved ones, and of course, your coworkers. Here is a link to the latest CDC webpage, and keep in mind that the guidelines change periodically so if you haven’t read them lately, this might be a good time for a second look:
I have kudos to share with you! The satisfied customer was Scott Poland from the city of Maryville; and he was commenting on Elisha’s legislative update training that was done online. He said: “As always I enjoyed the legislative update this morning. I have not missed one of the sessions she has conducted. She is always prepared and never reveals whether she agrees or disagrees with the legislation. She stays with the facts. Thanks. Scott” Way to go Elisha!
I’d also like to point out that Johanna celebrated her birthday last week on the 24th. Happy Birthday Johanna! I hope you had a very special day and that your upcoming year is filled with many special days.
Thank you for your continued work during the pandemic. I know it’s not easy; and if you’re like me, the stress of the unknown and the seemingly unending status of the virus starts to fray your nerves. I hope you can break out the electrical tape over the long weekend and patch up those frayed wires. My electrical tape will be the outdoors, a few puzzles, and some good food.
Happy Labor Day,

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