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Hi there MTAS!
Happy Wednesday morning to you. I hope your week is off to a good start. I’d like to let you know some of the MTAS happenings from last week.
I’ll start with a celebration from a customer for the work Steve Cross did in Tullahoma. He worked on an assessment center for the position of assistant fire chief. The praise came from the city’s Human Resources Director, Casta Brice. Ms. Brice is also a member of the Advisory Board. She had this to say: “Thank you for all the work you did to make this recruitment successful.  We know we can always rely on you and everyone at MTAS to be professional, responsive and to provide a level of unparalleled service to cities across our state.” Way to go Steve, and to all the MTAS professionals who make our customers happy! I admire, respect and appreciate the relationships that you have with customers (internal and external) that make our services so special.
Whoa, I’m not done with celebrations yet; Angie celebrated her birthday last Tuesday, the 18th. Angie, I hope that you enjoy your next trip around the sun and that the upcoming year brings you much happiness. Happy Birthday!
Next, I want to call your attention to a new guideline that we’ve adopted regarding social media use. It’s been posted on the employee portal which you access through the MTAS website under Employee Login. Once you sign in and reach the portal, check out the tab titled Policies and Procedures. The name of the new document is MTAS Social Media Guidelines. Thanks to Frances and committee (Elisha, Justin, Dawn) for getting us to this final product!
Just for fun, here is an article that popped up in one of my newsfeeds today. The headline mentioned Amsterdam, and since that city is one of my nieces’ favorites (she’s a flight attendant), I read further. It’s about public planters that double as urinals. Really, I’m not making this up! Read for yourself: City stuff never bores me, but it does on occasion surprise me.
May the rest of your week be smooth sailing!

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