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Good Monday Afternoon MTAS,
I hope that this message finds you healthy and well. I am confident that we are all doing our part to protect ourselves and each other. In case you’ve forgotten it, I still encourage you to take the self-assessment each morning before coming to work. ( I take my temperature every morning, and this practice has become part of my morning routine.
So, what’s new at MTAS? We are moving ahead with filling the training coordinator position. I held an interview with a candidate last Friday. This is generally one of the last stages of the hiring process.
Also, we will be meeting during the time slotted for the IPS annual conference. I’ll be sending out a Zoom invitation to all employees shortly, but in the meantime, please make sure August 5th from 2:00 – 4:00 Eastern/1:00 – 3:00 Central time and August 6th from 9:00-11:00 EDST/8:00-10:00 CDST is clear on your calendars. You should have been holding August 4 – 6 open on your calendars per an email from the May 11 Catchup:
2020 Annual Conference Cancelled
The IPS Leadership Team made the decision recently to cancel the 2020 IPS Annual Conference scheduled for Aug. 4-6 in Franklin. However, they are asking employees to keep Aug. 4-6 reserved on their calendars. Plans are ongoing to consider other options for professional development, and for executive directors to schedule individual agency meetings. Dr. Herb Byrd III plans to deliver the State of IPS address to each agency during their meetings.
IPS still plans to give out annual awards, as well as the Mary and Jack Jinks Scholarship and the Jim and Marie Murphy Scholarship.
You can now release the hold you had for the 4th on your calendars. More details are coming. Several of you have been asking about the timing of the event so I wanted to share this with you now before the final details are solidified. Stay tuned for more…
Last week held a special day for Brad, who celebrated his birthday on the 20th. Happy Birthday Brad! Brad – I hope you celebrated with a lobster tail, or the seafood of your choice, as you were vacationing in New England. What a nice way to spend a birthday!
Thank you to all of you who have expressed concern and caring for Angie. I love that I work for an agency that cares so much for each other. Please keep up the caring as she continues her bereavement. I don’t have specifics regarding funeral arrangements yet. When I do, I’ll let you know.
Now you’re up to speed on happenings from last week. Please let me know if you feel you have any gaps in information. I have learned that in the absence of information, people become uneasy and create information to fill the gaps. While I appreciate creativity, there is a time and place for it. Substituting missing factual information with our own creations isn’t always good for us or our customers. So, if you feel out of the loop, please speak to your supervisor, or me. Sometimes I don’t have the answers; and sometimes I do and I’m not in a position to share the information. When this happens, I’ll try to say “I don’t know” or “I can’t say” rather than leave you wondering.
Take care and keep in touch,
Document Author