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Hi there MTAS,
How’s it going? I asked you this last week and I really appreciate all of you who took time to respond. I know it would be easy to read the Mustard and move on with your busy day, so Thank You to the many of you who not only read the Mustard, but then replied and turned this one-way communication into two-way. The invitation stands, so any time you want to talk about something you read in the Mustard, or just have something on your mind, please reach out to me.
I’d like to continue with the thanks and recognize Yolanda and Dennis who helped me with learning about breakout rooms in Zoom. Yolanda was a fantastic instructor and Dennis agreed to help me with hands-on learning by having more than two people on the call to actually create a breakout room. You two were wonderful; and I sincerely appreciate your patience with my learning curve, especially late on a Friday afternoon. THANK YOU!!
In other happy news, I’d like to share that David had a birthday last Friday, the 17th. Happy Birthday David! I hope that you were able to make a super wish and blow out the candles on your birthday cake. Here’s hoping that your wish comes true!
Okay, this Mustard is on the short side this week. I hope you continue to stay well during this pandemic – physically and mentally. I care about the whole you!

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