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Good Tuesday morning MTAS,

Did you miss the Mustard last week? I’m a little behind this week, but I have lots to share with you.

On Friday the 12th, Elisha and the diversity team presented a session on civility. Michael Fann with Public Entity Partners was our fearless leader for the topic. I loved that he started the session out with a reference to Robert Fulghum’s book All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten. I read this book my freshman year in college as part of a psychology class. Think about it – wouldn’t the world be a nicer place if everyone took turns, shared, and said “please” and “thank you”? Well, yes, throw in a little finger paint, and now we’re really onto something! Seriously though, common courtesy goes a long way, even/especially if it doesn’t get reciprocated. I’m going to work on this, and I hope you’ll join me.

We’ve had an anniversary and a birthday over the last two weeks. Please help me celebrate Steve Cross who celebrated two years with MTAS on July 10, and David Moore who had a birthday on July 17. Guys, I hope your last year was terrific and the upcoming year will be even better!

You all should have received your letters from Herb that explain your merit/market adjustments to your salary starting with the July pay period. I am appreciative that the University was able to dedicate a pool for pay adjustments this year. Also, I am grateful that I am able to earn a check every month. I was talking not long ago with someone who gets called to work on an as-needed basis and lately, there hasn’t been much need. I take a lot of things for granted, and a regular paycheck is probably one of them. This is also a good time to reflect that not every year UT employees have enjoyed raises. I remember when there were no raises for multiple years in a row. So, thanks to UT and a good economy for the paycheck and additional pay.

The MTAS leadership team met on July 15 and we discussed the strategic plan item of improving MORe and Knowledgebase (see Goal 1D). A team has been assigned to work on this, and thanks go to Stephanie, Frances, Melissa, Pat and Sharon for their work thus far and their commitment to seeing through this multi-year assignment.

Finally, over the last two weeks I have received several thank you emails for the work you do. You deserve the thanks, so I want you to hear some of the kind remarks.

Hannah Holder had this to say about Bethany:
Bethany is the kind of person you want on your team! She has a great attitude, works hard, is very professional and is more than happy to help her teammates. I also know that I can always rely on Bethany to let me know if I’ve got a project that needs attention. She understands that many of my deliveries are time-sensitive, and she is quick to notify me of any updates. I’m so glad that she is here with us - Florida’s loss, our gain!
Former city manager Caryn Miller praised several MTAS staff (Gary, Joe C., Angie, Pat, Brad and Ralph). It was a long email, but she summarized by saying:
I want you to know that you have a first class group of people working for you and I want them to know how much I appreciate them.
Rita Reasons with Alamo had this to say about Kay’s assistance with a class on year end journal entries:
By far yesterday was the BEST class I have ever attended by far. She made us roll up our sleeves and figure it out and understand the why! I am thankful for MTAS and Kay Stegall. Before yesterday I really didn’t understand and now I have a better grip. Kay has gone above and beyond.

I agree with the three ladies – we have a terrific staff! Thank you for making me so happy when I receive notes like these. Your hard work is recognized, needed, and acknowledged. You rock MTAS!


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