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Hi there MTAS,
How’s it going? This is a normal conversation starter for me, and I mean it to be here too, even though this email is going one-way. I welcome you to respond to me by a return email or phone call or Skype call. How’s it going?  I’ll ask a few more questions to really get it going – feel free to respond to any/all or simply say what’s on your mind: What good things are happening on your team? What’s something you think I should know that’s also something you think I don’t want to hear? What are you grateful for?
Last week was my first week back after vacation. You know how those go, it was a lot of catching up. Besides reading A LOT of emails, I also attended several meetings. A couple of my meeting topics included the Baskin Strategies study and the IPS feedback committee results which dealt a lot with COVID-19. We are edging ever closer toward conclusion of the study; and I wish that I could say we were close to the end of the Coronavirus, but that’s just not reality right now and no one knows when the end will be. I’ll share the Baskin Strategies report when it’s completed, which I hope will be very soon. Please know that progress is being made.
So let’s talk a little about the work at home/report to work situation with the virus. According to the previously released schedule, we should all be back in our offices full-time right now (well, as much as field folks are ever in the office full-time). I know that 100% of us have not returned since exceptions have been made. If you need an exception, please have a conversation with your supervisor. We are taking this virus seriously and are taking extra precautions in every office to ensure a safe environment. If you recall from UT’s HR system newsletter that went out last week:
Wearing Masks in the Workplace

In order to protect ourselves and those around us, face masks will be required when entering a UT building and should be used in offices when social distancing is not possible.

Face masks are recommended by the CDC as a simple barrier to help prevent respiratory droplets from traveling into the air and onto other people when the person wearing the cloth face covering coughs, sneezes, talks or raises their voice.
Learn more about face masks →
My expectation is that we will all respect each other and do everything that we can to protect one another while we are in the office. This includes wearing a mask when we might come in contact with someone else. I respect you, which is why I opted (with my supervisor’s permission) to self-isolate after returning from vacation to a known hot spot. I have no symptoms and feel perfectly well; but I have been unable to get a test with results sooner than the two week quarantine period so I’m playing it safe for your benefit. Please think about this as you travel for summer vacation. I’ll be sending everyone later today a summary of the governor’s last media briefing that will bring you up to speed on what the state is doing regarding the virus. Remember, if you are not feeling well, stay home and contact your supervisor. If someone does get sick with the virus (tests positive), contact tracing will happen and you will be notified. I’m happy to say that the last report I received on Monday confirmed that zero IPS employees have tested positive.
Next, I’d like to recognize a work anniversary from last week. Happy Anniversary to Steve Cross whose special day was July 9. Steve, you’ve made a big impact in the short amount of time you’ve been with MTAS. I look forward to seeing what else you have in store going forward.
I began this Mustard asking you what you are grateful for – please allow me to close by sharing my gratitude to:
  • you, because without your dedication to public service, MTAS wouldn’t be the success it is;
  • UT for offering such great benefits and a sense of security in such uncertain times;
  • IPS for a strong leadership team and a commitment to achieving our purposes;
  • MTAS for being my family for so many hours during the day;
  • our customers for relying on us and making smart decisions for their municipalities;
  • my family, for giving me such joy, support and a sense of belonging;
  • my faith for being my rock when I need it; and
  • YOU again, because I really like working with you and accomplishing things together that truly matter. I think we have a great team, and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
I hope you’re having a terrific week. Please stay well, wash your hands, and get plenty of sleep. We’ll get through this pandemic together.

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