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Good Monday Morning MTAS,

I hope your Fourth of July holiday was as spectacular as the fireworks displays across the state. Attendance in the office on Friday was pretty sparse, so most of you took advantage of an extra-long holiday weekend. Welcome back!

Since last week was a holiday week, and generally slower paced than usual, I don’t have too much to share with you, so this will be brief.

We did have a birthday last week that I’d like you to help me celebrate – happy birthday to Joe C. on July 2. In the last Mustard, he had a work anniversary and this last week he had a birthday. Happy times Joe!

I’d like to leave you this week with part of a thank you note I received from Margaret Mahery at TML regarding the TML annual conference. She wrote:
…As you know, a great deal of planning goes into the event to ensure that things run smoothly. But TML could not make it work without the generous support from volunteers. And that’s why I’m writing you today – I want to thank you and the MTAS staff who help us each year. Specifically, I want to thank Richard Stokes, Pat Hardy and Armintha Loveday for the many long hours they put in at the registration booth and stuffing some 300 conference tote bags, and packing and unloading supplies. It’s certainly not “glamorous” work – but it has to get done. All three – jumped in and did whatever was asked of them.

I also want to recognize the work of Abb Oglesby and Sarah Curtis for successfully planning and executing the CMFO program and the Utility Board Training at the conference, as well as the MTAS consultants who taught the sessions – Rex Barton, Brad Harris, Elisha Hodge, David Moore, Kay Stegall, Richard Stokes, and Steve Wyatt. All of their workshops were well attended and each consultant did an excellent job presenting. We are pleased with the addition of the CMFO/Utility Training sessions at our conference and hope to continue to build on its success.

On behalf of the entire TML staff – we appreciate what you do in support of us.

Way to go MTAS! I love it when I receive notes like this that make me want to stand a little taller and smile a little more broadly. I hope you’re smiling with me right now.

Most sincerely,

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