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Good Afternoon MTAS,

Welcome to another Monday, and another edition of the MTAS Mustard.

All of the reminders that I mentioned last week still stand. Please remember the June 19 deadline for IPS award nominations (, and the June 30 deadline for Title VI training ( and sick leave bank enrollment (
Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Application).

Last week we bid farewell to John Grubbs as he returned to the city of Portland. We wish John all the best as he returns to work for his hometown.

Also last week there were a couple of work anniversaries that I’d like to call your attention to. Happy anniversary to John C. (June 1) and Honna (June 3) who collectively have dedicated twenty seven years to serving TN municipalities at MTAS. Way to go!

There were no birthdays last week, but I would like to share with you a photo of AJ O’Hara, Stephanie’s and Justin’s bundle of joy. I am told that he’s doing well and gaining weight, but he’s still at the hospital. He celebrated his two week birthday last Friday. The proud parents are also doing well., so this is all terrific news worth celebrating!


Last week I attended the end-of-legislative-session review by the Comptroller’s office. They shared with the attendees, and I’d like to share with you, that the state of Tennessee was just ranked number one for fiscal stability among all states. The Comptroller’s office credits a lot of that success to the success of cities. They recognized that without strong cities, the state could not achieve this recognition. I’ll take that a step further and give you credit for this too. Cities are even more successful because of the work you do to help day-in and day-out. This is true for everyone at MTAS – what you do matters, and I believe this ranking is proof. You rock MTAS! The meeting with the Comptroller’s staff ended with them expressing their desire to be involved with conferences of associations. If you work with an association, and it is looking for a speaker, please call on them.

This upcoming week is unusual for me in that I’ll be in the office every day. Please call on me (I’ll be around) if you have anything you’d like to discuss or if you just want to shoot the breeze. I look forward to seeing many of you next weekend at TML in Memphis.

I hope you have a super week ahead,

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