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Good Tuesday afternoon to you MTAS,

As I previously mentioned to you, we are cracking the door open as we try to return to what used to be normal (pre COVID-19). We began with a tiny crack last week as roughly 25% returned in the Knoxville, Johnson City, and Martin offices. It sure was nice to see friendly faces in the office again! Next week we continue, with more people returning to the office. If you need a reminder, this means that we will increase people in the office in the three previously mentioned offices, plus, on May 18 we are slated to have 25% of staff return to Nashville, Chattanooga and Jackson. If you are in one of these three offices, and you have not yet told me your return preferences, then expect an email from me in the next day or two. Of those who are willing to return, I will let them know on Thursday if they have been selected to be part of the 25% for next Monday. I will also let everyone else who is returning know, so if you are going to the office, you know who to expect to see and you can plan on how you can best socially distance while in the office. With the crack, comes in a little ray of sunshine (well, okay, maybe it’s fluorescent lighting). Anyway, I hope this is the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel and we can look forward to things brightening up. As we go through this process, so are our municipal customers. I’m looking forward to hearing about how you are helping them as they transition back as well.

In earlier Mustards, I encouraged you to become a UT Promise mentor. I just learned that UT has a goal of 2,000 mentors and there are currently 1,679 mentor applicants. Therefore, UT has decided to continue the application acceptance phase until the goal is met. So, it’s not too late! Here is the link to the webpage to learn more, and to complete the easy application: Won’t you join me as a mentor and make a positive difference in students’ lives?

Okay – birthday time! Over the last work week, we had one employee birthday. Happy Birthday Honna! She celebrated on May 8. I hope that you had a terrific year and that the one in front of you is even better.

Please continue to stay safe and stay well!
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