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Welcome to another week MTAS,
I hope you are healthy and safe right now, and that you stay that way. There is a lot going on in the world that we’re dealing with: a global pandemic, a severely bruised economy, and most recently civil unrest with the death/murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis. Throw on top of that, the start of the hurricane season today. I was reading a newsletter from the Florida City and County Management Association, and that state is bracing for how to handle two crises at the same time.
What seemed unimaginable before is now somehow reality. Is it all bad? Well, you know me – I prefer to look for a silver lining. Here it is: we thought “it” couldn’t be done and we’ve done it. “It” can be almost anything you want it to be, for example: working from home, a vast majority of the population staying virus-free amid a pandemic (according to Sunday’s numbers from the TN Department of Health, less than one half of one percent (.34%) of the TN population has tested positive for COVID-19), holding electronic city council meetings, low gas prices and a 7.3% reduction in traffic fatalities from this time last year, and a national discussion on race relations that hopefully brings the subject out in the open where real healing and understanding can begin.
Two days ago the executive director for the International City/County Management Association, Marc Ott, wrote a letter to members expressing his frustration with, yet optimism for, current events. He wrote in part “As a black man, I feel angry that we continue to see such inequity, such disparity in the treatment of people of color by those who hold power. But I also feel hope—the crowds of protesters were people of all colors. Great social changes often come from turmoil and we as local government leaders can lead that transformation. We can create the kinds of communities we envision, where everyone can flourish.”
I too hope for flourish. This goes especially for Cyndy who celebrated a birthday on May 28. While celebrations are different right now, Cyndy, I hope you were able to feel special on your day.
Stay well, and let’s go help the TN cities!
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