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Hello MTAS,

I hope you had a terrific long holiday weekend and took some time to appreciate the meaning of Memorial Day; even if it meant you just watched one of the many war movies being broadcast.
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Over the weekend, I drove past one of the veteran’s cemeteries in Knoxville. The flags were flying majestically and I felt very proud of my country and of the dedicated servants that help make it a great place to be; and who have made so many sacrifices for us to have the many freedoms that we enjoy. I don’t go to bed at night worrying if my home will be bombed before I see daylight, if my family will make it home from their next outing, or if I’ll be jailed (or worse) for speaking my thoughts. I was reminded of a naturalization ceremony I attended a few years ago where I heard new citizens speak about why they left everything familiar behind to become a citizen of the United States. Some of those familiarities were terrifying, and it makes me appreciate even more this wonderful land where we live. I am grateful to all who have served, and especially to those who have given their lives for our country.

In the 71 years of MTAS’ existence, I’m only aware of one employee fatality that happened while on the job and working for MTAS. Rest in peace Jeff Minor. Most days we don’t fear losing our lives for our work, but that doesn’t mean that you aren’t any less dedicated than the soldiers in the armed forces. I know about the late nights coming home from a council meeting and still getting to work on time the next day; I know about the lunch hours lost because of doing something extra for a customer in need; and I know about the stress and subsequent quiet times at home because you’ve taken work home with you – if not physically, then mentally. Thank you for your service (yes, Service-oriented just happens to be another one of the MTAS values). We defined Service-oriented as customer focused. I’ve seen excellent demonstrations of this every day, every week and every year. I’m proud to work with such service-oriented individuals.

So, now seems a perfect time to congratulate the two employees with work anniversaries from last week: Ralph and Wes. Thanks guys for your meaningful contributions and the care that you have for MTAS. Next, I’ll continue with celebrations, for Steve W. and Al who had birthdays last week. Congratulations for making another trip around the sun, and may this year be even better than the last.

Just like this workweek, this Mustard is short. I hope you have a splendid week where, at the end of it, you know you made a difference for a customer.

Stay well,
Document Author