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Hello MTAS,

How are you doing? Are you staying healthy? Are you experiencing a little cabin fever (maybe a lot)? I hope you’re well. As I have been having discussions with the IPS leadership team about plans to re-open our doors, your health and safety is at the forefront of my mind. More will be coming about this tomorrow, so please watch for an email from Herb and the UT system; and know that I’ve got your wellness in mind as I make decisions for the agency.

So, what happened last week? Sherri had a birthday on the 18th. Happy birthday Sherri! I hope your last year was wonderful, and that this one will be even better than the last. Also, last Wednesday, we celebrated Administrative Professionals Day. The celebrations were much more subdued than what we would normally do; and I anticipate that we’ll make up for lost celebrations when it is safe again. So, to Armintha, Sherri, Nancy, Dawn, Kelley, Michelle T., Doug and Michelle B., THANK YOU!!!! I appreciate what you do for MTAS, and what you do for me to help advance the agency in achieving its mission and vision.

I have an announcement about the CMFO program. Today the Comptroller of the Treasury (CoT) is sending a notice to all CMFOs in the state that the CoT is waiving all mandatory continuing education credits for this year due to COVID-19. TML sent a notice about this to its members today. In the event you are impacted by this, but are not on one of the other mailing lists, I wanted you to know about this development.

Please don’t forget the reminders I sent last week about the Title VI training (June 1 deadline), nominating a peer for an IPS award (May 1 deadline), and signing up to be a mentor for the UT Promise program (ongoing, but May 1 deadline for the fall semester).

Okay, I think that is about it for today. Look for several messages tomorrow about our “re-opening” plans.

I hope you continue to stay safe and well!
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