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Hello my fellow MTASers,

Last week included Administrative Professionals Day. I hope you celebrated! While once a year is not enough recognition for the importance of the jobs that these fine folks do to keep the agency running smoothly, I am glad that at least once we take the time to stop, look around, and appreciate how much Armintha, Bethany, Dawn, Doug, Kelley, Michelle B., Michelle T., Nancy, and Sherri contribute to the success of MTAS. THANK YOU!!

There were no staff birthdays or anniversaries last week. This is unusual that there isn’t at least one celebration. That doesn’t mean we can’t be happy though. I’m reminded of an Andy Griffith show in which Clarabelle and Jennifer Morrison (sisters) are running a still and selling moonshine. They claim they don’t sell booze, but rather “celebratory elixir.” Every customer has to state what he or she is celebrating before the ladies will make a sale. I’m sure we can all find something worth celebrating! If you are really hard-pressed, then here are a couple of this-day-in-history facts from Wikipedia: 1492 – Spain gives Christopher Columbus his commission of exploration; and in 1789 – On the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York City, George Washington takes the oath of office to become the first elected President of the United States (

That’s it for this week. I hope you enjoyed the brevity.

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