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Good Tuesday Afternoon MTAS,
Welcome to another week. If you noticed from last week’s Mustard, I have been remiss on getting this communication out to you on a regular basis. To my surprise, no one mentioned to me that they had missed getting it. This tells me that perhaps this communication tool isn’t effective.
So, I’d like your help on giving me suggestions on ways that I can improve my message delivery to you. How would you like me to communicate with the agency? Really, this isn’t rhetorical – please let me know. Feedback is a gift. Once a year I retell the story behind why I call the newsletter the Mustard: I believe that MTAS “cuts the Mustard” and also, I thought it was a fun spin off of the IPS “Catch Up.”  If the Mustard isn’t cutting the mustard, I’d like to know!
This week I have an example to share with you about MTAS staff excelling. Last week Sharon received an unsolicited email from the mayor of Dyersburg lauding the work of MTAS, particularly John C. and Dana. Below is a copy of the email. Way to go guys!
Sharon, my name is John Holden and I am beginning my 15th year as Mayor of the City of Dyersburg. I have a great appreciation and much confidence with all of the MTAS consultants that I have worked with over the years. I think they all would tell you I am very low maintenance and do not call on them for assistance unless I feel that it is truly warranted and I need help or advice. I have been very impressed with ALL of the consultants that I have dealt with over the years.
In particular, recently, I have had the occasion to work with John Chlarson in November and December 2020 concerning an issue brought to me by citizens of a neighborhood that dealt with speeding and the installation of speed bumps or speed humps, traffic calming devices or whatever you wish to call them. Mr. Chlarson along with Dana Deem visited with me in Dyersburg and we physically went to this area so they could better understand the issue. Mr. Chlarson informed me that he will prepare some information on this issue for myself and the city council to move forward with these neighbors’ concerns. We currently have no traffic calming devices on any city streets in our community so this is all new to us.
In December Mr. Chlarson sent me a 20 page study that related to my inquiry with valuable information on how to move forward on this issue. A few days later he  travelled to Dyersburg to further discuss this document and to answer any questions or concerns I may have. Let me say that I was not expecting such a detailed study nor the extent he worked on this to assist both myself, our city council and ultimately our citizens. I feel that he went above and beyond to help, but knowing Mr. Chlarson and having worked with him in the past, I am very confident that this is emblematic of all work he does to assist elected officials and others that he comes into contact with.
Please know that this work was greatly appreciated, I have much respect for Mr. Chlarson and Dana Deem and these two men have helped me before on issues in years past and they could not represent the MTAS organization any better.
Thanks for all you do, please pass along my appreciation to these gentlemen for always answering my calls, providing valuable information and the professional way in which they conduct themselves!
John Holden
City of Dyersburg

Also, I have another shout out to give to Elisha, Johanna and Wes. These three completed and earned the Certified Public Manager certification awarded by the Naifeh Center for Effective Leadership. Graduation from the program involves completion of a capstone project and 300 hours of professional development. All three successfully graduated at an online ceremony on February 5. Way to go you three! I have already seen positive outcomes from your projects and I look forward to seeing what else you accomplish with your new education and sharpened skills.
Finally, thank you team MTAS. As I have begun to read your APRs, I am rejuvenated and prideful in reading about all that you do for our customers, internal and external. What we do on the collective whole is really astounding and impactful for each and every Tennessee municipality.
I appreciate you!
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