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Good Afternoon MTAS,

Okay, so far, I’m back on schedule with my weekly update! I hope you had a great week last week. I did, and I’m here to tell you about it.

The consultants had a joint meeting in Gallatin on Tuesday and Wednesday. They honored Elisha with a recognition that acknowledged her hard work on the IPS diversity team, keeping things running smoothly while her legal colleagues were out on leave, and for generally being a “High flyer.” Way to go Elisha!! Here is a photo of Elisha at the meeting:

Keeping on with the kudos, I received notice about the TGFOA evaluations that glowed for Emily’s presentation at the conference. Way to go Emily!! Here are just a few of the positive comments in the conference evaluations:
  • Please have Emily speak again.
  • Emily Godwin did a great job.
  • Really enjoyed listening to Emily Godwin – wonderful speaker.
  • Emily was amazing!
  • Emily Godwin had the perfect balance of information, bright presentation materials that were engaging and easy to see (this was a big struggle with other presentations in the main room), and a very clear speaking voice. Great job!

Also (yes, there’s more!), I learned that John Chlarson was awarded the Frank Kirk Meritorious Service Award recently at the Tennessee Chapter of the American Public Works Association’s 2019 Annual Conference. Here is a description of the award: “Established in Frank Kirk’s honor, the Meritorious Service Award acknowledges the important role that APWA members in [insert image] private enterprise and academic institutions play in providing public works facilities and services. This award is based on a pattern of professional activities that have resulted in the enhancement of the quality, efficiency, or cost-effectiveness of services provided by public agencies.” I even have a photo to share of John receiving the award from TCAPWA President Phillip Jones. To cap off this celebration, John also had a birthday last week (December 5). Happy birthday, and congratulations on the statewide recognition John!!

Back to the week in review – I attended a district meeting of TML. It was very informative and even included some holiday cheer. The General Assembly returns to session on January 14, 2020. It looks like it will be another busy year. Please, when TML puts out a call for action, encourage cities you talk with to make the requested calls to their legislators. It takes us all working together to be as successful as we can be. In the words of Michael Jordan “Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

Finally, a highlight for me last week was the opportunity to speak at Richard’s retirement celebration. Richard began working for MTAS in 1986. I wish I could have a tally of all the questions that he’s received during that time; I bet it’s in the millions. Richard, we wish you all the best as you begin Act III. While the curtain is closing on this scene, I look forward to seeing you in encore appearances. You’ve earned a standing ovation!

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