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Happy 2020 MTAS,
Yesterday was the first day back for a lot of you. I hope you were easily able to get caught up and are ready to tackle all of the opportunities this new year holds.
This issue will be short compared to Friday’s update. Last week was very quiet. However, I do have four things to share with you.
First, Lisa sent an email out on December 30 about the new portal available to staff through the website. If you haven’t yet, please take some time to check out what’s available there, including the updated policies and procedures folder. Thanks to Lisa for all the work it took to move all this information (databases) off of Lotus Notes and onto a format that can be supported in the future. Lotus served us well for many years, but it’s time to say farewell. Again, Lisa explained all this in her email – please give it a thorough read.
Second, I am very happy to announce that we’ve got three new staff members starting in the next two months. The first one is Yolanda Dillard, Training and Development Consultant, starting on January 13 and working in the Memphis office. Yolanda comes to us from the University of Memphis where she served as Associate Director for Employer Partnerships (part of career services). She has over 14 years managing training and development programs. This is a new position for us, so we’ll now have a training consultant in each of the grand divisions. Yolanda shared this picture with us to help introduce herself:

The other two new hires are John Eskew who has been hired as the Municipal Court Clerk Specialist (he’ll be working in the Nashville office and his first day in the office is the 21st) and Peter Voss, HR Consultant, starting on February 24 in Jackson. As soon as I get photos of these two, I’ll share them with you, along with brief bios. John is filling Paige’s position, and Peter is filling a new position, so like training consultants, we’ll have an HR consultant in each of the grand divisions.
Third, we have some work anniversaries to celebrate. Dana, Stephanie, and Angie all had start dates of January 1. Together, the three of them have twenty-two years of dedication to MTAS. Also, David Moore started with us on January 2 last year. Congratulations on hitting the one year mark David. Happy Anniversary to all four honorees!
Fourth, and last, I want to leave you with a quote: “If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” This is accredited to Steve Jobs. I hope that each of you, as you work through closing out 2019 and figuring out what you’ll do with 2020 are pulled to excitement.
Happy New Year,
Document Author