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Happy Tuesday MTAS,

Yes, it’s Tuesday, even though it may feel like Monday because of the holiday yesterday. To further celebrate the holiday, here are a few facts about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. that you may not know (thanks to
  • He skipped two high school grades (freshman and senior) and entered college at age 15.
  • Ten years prior to his assassination, he was stabbed in the chest at a book signing. It took him weeks to recuperate.
  • A bill that created a holiday recognizing his birthday was signed into law by Ronald Reagan in 1983, but it was not commemorated until 1986. George Washington is the only other American to have had his birthday observed as a national holiday.
Also, since we work with cities, did you know that according to, there are 730 streets nationwide named after Dr. King, Jr.?

Looking back at a little more recent history – last week – one of our team members celebrated a birthday on the 12th. Happy Birthday Doug! I wish you all the best as you begin your next trip around the sun. While I’m celebrating, I need to correct an oversight. I missed Abb’s work anniversary on January 4. Abb, I’m so glad that you joined our team, and please accept my sincere apologies for not including you in last week’s Mustard. Happy Anniversary Abb!

Also last week, I attended the Comptroller’s local government pre-legislative session meeting. There were about 75 people in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was for everyone to share what their particular group will be lobbying for and/or against in the upcoming legislative session. Many groups are proposing clean-up of existing legislation; and as you might expect, several groups mentioned various aspects of local government finance as a topic of interest. Stay tuned to see what unfolds - the General Assembly got back to work on the 14th.

I also have another hiring update. Betsy Cunningham will be starting with us February 3 as the east TN HR consultant. If you’ll recall, this was the position that John Grubbs had. Betsy has shared a photo with us, so you’ll know her when you see her when she begins work with us in a couple of weeks.

Before I finish for the week, I want to share with you parts of a lengthy letter that I received earlier this month that praises MTAS and three particular staff members. The letter is from the mayor of the town of Pleasant Hill. In it, she said:

“… I hope for a superb 2020 for the MTAS organization, recognizing that you all are such a gift of knowledge to our TN municipalities… Initially, we leaned on Warren Nevad who guided us along in our procedures, and continues to be patient and offer his help to this day. Next, Al Major has been diligent in supervising and teaching us the intricacies of the budgeting [process]. If not for Al and his assistance, we would not have completed our budget process and met our deadlines. And more recently, Stephanie O’Hara has assisted us to clarify our legal position in some challenging situations we have encountered.  My staff and I are extremely grateful for the assistance your team has provided, and felt it was imperative to let them, and you know… “

Well done team MTAS! I love getting feedback like this from customers, and I’m happy to say that I hear positive comments about the work you are doing all the time. What you do absolutely matters to our customers, and that’s what keeps me coming back day after day and year after year. You make a positive difference in Tennessee communities; and I’m so excited to hear about what you have planned for 2020.

I hope you enjoy the remainder of this short work week,
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