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Good Wednesday afternoon MTAS,
It’s been another great week at MTAS, and I’m happy to share some news with you.
First, we have another new employee starting on Monday. His name is John Eskew, and he is filling Paige’s position as the Municipal Court Specialist. He will be working in the Nashville office. John has a JD and has been a practicing attorney. However, his most recent experience is with the city of Clarksville where he was the risk manager and assistant human resources director. Here is a photo of John:

As with Yolanda who started last Monday, please give him a big MTAS welcome.
Looking back to last week, there was a birthday that I’d like to celebrate. Happy Birthday Dana! I hope you were able to celebrate your special day with friends and family.
Over the holiday break I received a very warm and glowing email about MTAS (particularly Emily and Ralph) from one of our customers (Hellyn Riggins, City Manager of Eagleville). I have permission to quote the letter. The letter was longer than I have space for here, so I’ve excerpted some key sentences. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did!
I have just completed the CMFO Program with Emily Godwin as my teacher. First, I’d like to compliment MTAS on offering the course. As a new manager in Tennessee and new to the world of finance, the course really has been an asset to me in learning Tennessee laws, the basics of accounting and reading the financial report… It must be very hard to strike a balance  of teaching students with such a varied knowledge-base. Somehow Ms. Godwin manages to keep the advanced students engaged while also making sure the people, like me who were beginners, are able to learn...I was sick when Accounting II was taught and did not pass the test-out. With Ms. Godwin’s permission, he [Ralph] came to Eagleville and tutored me on working through the debit/credit problems. I know that his assistance helped me to pass that test.
But wait – I’m not done with the good news yet! I am happy to report that over the holiday break, Wes became engaged to Mikia Scott. Wes graciously shared a couple of pictures with me from their recent trip to the UT bowl game. Congratulations Wes!

As much as I’d like our jobs to all be celebrations and parties, we do have serious work to do. You’ll recall that it is that time of year for annual performance reviews. To lighten the mood a bit, here’s a little levity from Dilbert:
I hope you have had a great week so far, and that the remainder is terrific as well. We are doing amazing things at MTAS, and I’m so proud to say that I get to work here, and that I am able to work with such caring and giving individuals.
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