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Good Afternoon MTAS!
I hope that you all are doing well and having a good day. I can hardly believe that January flew by so quickly, given that every day (in some way) since the pandemic began has felt like the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray. I hope your Groundhog Day was a good one.  It was nice to see some sunshine in Knoxville, and I understand that Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow too. So, according to tradition, the prediction is for another six weeks of winter. So far, that prediction has been true with the Nashville and Jackson offices having to close due to inclement weather this week.
January went so quickly, that a few Mustard opportunities slipped past me. I hope to make up for those with a more lengthy note this week.
While I don’t normally have a theme for the Mustard, I do this time. The theme is “happy” and now, I just can’t get that Pharrell Williams song from 2013 (“Happy”) out of my head. Regardless, I’m still so pleased! What has made me so happy? Why you all have! I’m very excited to tell you about Dawn’s accomplishment – she graduated in December with a Master of (Information) Science degree. Way to go Dawn!!

Another staffer with an impressive accomplishment is Sharon who last month was honored by the APWA for her 30 years of service and membership to the association. She is now a “life” member of the APWA. Congratulations Sharon! I know you have contributed greatly to that fine organization, and I know they appreciate what you’ve done for them. While on the subject of APWA, you may know that MTAS assisted TCAPWA with its first-ever virtual conference in the fall. The president of the chapter had these kind words to share:

Thank you to the MTAS team, and in particular to Abb Ogelsby for his recent participation, in hosting the Tennessee American Public Works Association annual conference this week using the virtual tools that he was able to drive. I know that it took a tremendous amount of planning time and through to the conference ending yesterday. Abb was a very steady and important part of our conference team and using relatively new virtual tools with so many people, he ensured that everyone was on the same page, knew what to do and when, and circled up the entire conference team. We had nearly 100 participants at one point with several breakout rooms.
As president of our organization, I’ve copied Mark Miller, our executive director, to let you how much we appreciated MTAS allowing Abb to be so involved.
You all certainly have an ‘Ace’ on your team in Abb.
If I can ever assist you all, please let me know. Happy to help any way that we can.
Justin Holland
Furthermore, the association’s newsletter offered even more kudos:  And a BIG thank you to Abb Oglesby, Yolanda Dillard and Cyndy Edmonds of MTAS, who multi-tasked, problem-solved and “virtually” came up with multiple solutions that worked to make it all happen!
Yes, you all have made me very happy! Next, I’d like to acknowledge and recognize all the birthdays and work anniversaries that happened over the last month and a half. Happy belated birthday wishes go to Dana (1/9), Doug (1/12), Pat (1/24) and Sharon (2/9). I’d also like to celebrate the service and longevity of those who marked work anniversaries: Abb (1/4), Yolanda (1/13), John E. (1/20), Rick (2/1) and Betsy (2/1).  Yolanda, John and Betsy just completed their first year at MTAS. Congratulations on passing this mile marker. I look forward to celebrating many more anniversaries with you. See, I have even more to be happy about!
I have more good news to share, and that is Charles “Chuck” Downham will be starting March 1 as the new management consultant in middle TN. He’s taking over Joe Cosentini’s position. Yes, Joe left MTAS a long time ago and we’ve had challenges in getting the position filled. I’d like to think that Chuck was worth the wait! He’s coming to us from Spring Hill where he served as the assistant city administrator. He has worked for four TN cities and among his job titles was Planning Director. We will now have some planning and zoning expertise on staff to offer our customers. Please welcome Chuck to the MTAS family in a couple of weeks.

Okay, you’re probably tired of reading by now so I’ll hold off on other items until next week. I hope that with all the wintery weather we’ve been experiencing across the state that you are staying safe on the roads; and that with the pandemic, you’re maintaining your health. You matter to me, your customers, your MTAS family, and of course your own family. Please stay safe and stay well!

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