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Good Afternoon MTAS and welcome to 2021!
I hope you had an amazing holiday break and took full advantage of that week off that UT provides us. The celebrations were different this year, and I am hopeful that by this time next year things will have returned to something resembling ‘normal.’ Although what is normal? I think this is different for each one of us; and for me, that’s part of the joy of life. My normal is different at this point in my life than it was in my twenties, and I know my normal is different than yours. Whatever the future holds, normal or not, I hope that it includes peace, happiness and health for you.
We had a few anniversaries on the first: happy work anniversary wishes go to: Dana, Stephanie, Angie and David, for a collective of 27 years (wahoo!). Nancy also celebrated her birthday on December 30. Happy Birthday Nancy!
That’s it – short and hopefully sweet to start you off for the new year.
Happy New Year MTAS,
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