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MTAS beginner's guide to the Tennessee Slum Clearance Act : T.C.A. § 13-21-101 et. seq.

Many cities in Tennessee continue to fight the issues of blighted properties and dilapidated structures. Some cities are fortunate to have a robust Building and Codes Department to handle these code enforcement cases. For many other smaller cities however, they do not have a strong Building and Codes Department to address code enforcement violations. This is where the Slum Clearance Act comes into play. The Slum Clearance Act allows the city to go through the processes of notices of violations, inspections, and hearings before a hearing officer (not a city judge). If the property owner is found to be in violation, then the city can order the property owner to repair or demolish the structure. If the property owner does not do that, then the city has the authority to repair or demolish the structure on its own.

Eskew, John
Code enforcement
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