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Brain rules : 12 principles for surviving and thriving at work - home and school

Survival: How our brain is a product of our evolution, and some traits it has adopted as a result. ; Exercise: How exercise improves our cognitive abilities and staves off dementia. ; Sleep: What the brain does during sleep, how people are biologically predisposed to various sleep patterns, and how to use naps to improve performance. ; Stress: The various biochemicals involved with stress and how to have less stressful relationships and life. ; Wiring: How neurons interact, develop, and function. ; Attention: How multitasking works (or doesn't work), the relationship between emotion and attention, and the need for relaxation to enhance focus. ; Memory: How memory formation works and the optimal way to remember things. ; Sensory Integration: How all of the senses work together to provide a cohesive experience, and how multiple senses can be utilized to improve learning. ; Vision: How vision trumps all of the other senses and can be used to create more effective presentations. ; Music: How music can cause improvements in cognition, be therapeutic, and how music training can improve cognition. ; Gender: Differences between the genders in physiology, socialization, emotional reactions, and memory. ; Exploration: How the brain is constantly exploring and looking for novel things.
Medina, John
Includes index: p. 267-288.