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12/22/2000 Executive News

Executive News

Based on our travel schedule, this will be Happy New Year rather than Merry Christmas for most people who read this.

Here are a few end of year notes:

TML Executive Director selection - The selection committee interviewed all six candidates on Thursday, December 21. I don't know what the result is yet. The TML Board is scheduling a meeting for Friday, January 5 to act on the recommendation of the selection committee. Surely, we'll know by then.

Claudia Walsh - has resigned to become a full time Mom effective January 19. Claudia has been with UT off and on since 1981, most of the time with MTAS. She has done almost all the city code updates for the last ten years. Steve and the codes team, and all of us, will miss her.

Diana Beeler - has accepted a promotion to the position of Senior Accounting Clerk in the School of Arts and Sciences on campus. Her last day at MTAS will be January 12. Dianna has been our senior budget clerk since May when she transferred from CTV. She has made sure all our bills were paid on time and only once each.

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