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12/21/1999 Executive News

Executive News

Annual Performance Reviews - It's time! You will need to complete your part of the annual performance review by Monday, February 1. We will schedule the APR interviews in February. You will need to go to the database and create your APR. Please let your supervisor and me know by e-mail when you have completed your part.
For exempt staff You will note we have set up a way for you to make short quarterly reports during 2000 about your work plan goals for both cities and initiatives. When you prepare your APR, management consultants need to fill in goals for at least three cities. Other consultants need to fill in three initiatives. All consultants may fill in both categories if they apply.

TML Legislative Conference - TML will hold its legislative conference February 28 & 29 in Nashville. For consultants who will attend, please e-mail Laura by January 14. Also, please note, I'm too cheap to have all of us stay at the Sheraton at $99 a night. Please find a room at the state rate. Thanks.

Finally - if you're reading this before our break - MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY 2000. If you're reading it on January 3, then at least this system made it through the first part of Y2K.

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