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12/21/1993 Executive News

Executive News

December 21, 1993

* Telephone Surveys We've enclosed the latest library telephone surveys including: board appointments, city court clerk salaries, street maintenance foremen salaries, and rent for airplane hangars.

* Calendars AnnO has prepared event calendars for January and February, 1994.

* Certification of City Recorders TAMCAR is supporting a bill to require certification of city recorders after within four years of taking office. We are enclosing a copy of the draft bill.

* Cover Boy Here's a copy of the cover of Dr. Johnson's annual report to the board of trustees. See if you recognize anyone on the cover. We've also enclosed copies of two of the inside pages in case you don't spot the retired city manager of Clinton right away.

Sales Tax Our share of the sales tax for December was $79,219.40. So far this year, we are $25,000 ahead of budget and 10.2% ahead of last year's figures.

* WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows When the UT site license is available, we will begin converting to WordPerfect 6.0 for Windows. Here's a short article from the WordPerfect corporate magazine extolling its virtues.

Director's Bulletin We don't have a Director's Bulletin any more. Now we are calling it HOT TOPICS. SharonF explains it this way:
We made the change from Director's Bulletins to "Hot Topics" for three reasons:
1. To be more eyecatching, to impart a sense of urgency and not look so much like a Technical Bulletin. We've had city officials say they didn't realize the Director's Bulletin was our "get the news to you fast" publication. They just thought it was a memo, which doesn't usually spur folks to action.
2. To reinstitute the idea (with city officials and our own consultants) that we have a publication that gets out FAST when there's hot news cities need.
3. To get it out faster. Since the letterhead is preprinted, we can photocopy in house and mail quickly.

We are going to reserve our Hot Topics series for hot topics. We'll do Technical Bulletins when we need to do something technical and it needs to be several pages. Let's keep Hot Topics short.

* TML Action Here's a copy of an early legislative bulletin mailed to all cities by TML.

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