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12/19/1994 Executive News

Executive News

December 19, 1994

OK, OK, I know this is not on Email, but I had some stuff to include and we don't have full graphics capability on Email yet. We'll alternate between paper and Email for the Staff Update depending on the enclosures.

*Code Production Up, Up, and Away - Steve, Claudia, Tracy, Bobbie, Sandy, and Jennifer have greatly increased our production of codes. For the first time, the number of new codes produced has exceeded the number of code updates. The total for 1994 (not including December production) for new codes and codes with major revisions is 61! Please see the enclosed chart.

PS. Stephany and Steve are producing county private acts, but we don't have a chart yet because this is the first year for that program.

IPS Annual Conference - Please mark your calendar. The 1995 IPS annual conference will be on September 28 - 29 at the Holiday Inn, Gatlinburg.

EPA Grant - SharonR has received preliminary approval from Haig Farmer of EPA - Washington for a two year $125,000 research grant. We will work in the area of environmental justice and wastewater treatment. EPA has asked for a complete work program and schedule by February and we'll send you a copy when we have done one.

*Notes Status Report - JimF prepared a status report on our conversion to the Lotus Notes software for our management team meeting last week. I want to share it with you. We are still on target to begin using the software in March, 1995.

ALSO, we are enclosing an article from Fortune that could have been written by the Lotus advertising agency. It confirms that this is the right software for 1995 and the right software for a work group that needs to share information.

Finally - I looked at the calendar the other day and discovered I've been with MTAS for five years. I've enjoyed them and look forward to many more. Thanks for making it so productive and so much fun. . . . and. . .



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